User guide (non-wiki version)

Content will gradually be migrated here and updated from the user guide pages on the wiki.

For now, this only suggests a few sources:

How to compile against the PL/Java API

The Hello world example demonstrates how to use a Maven POM that declares pljava-api as a dependency. However, as arrangements are still incomplete for pljava-api to be at Maven Central, it has to be in your local Maven repository. If you have built PL/Java from source using mvn clean install, it will be there already.

If not, an easy way to install the API into your local repository is to download the PL/Java source, and run mvn --projects pljava-api clean install there. It will quickly build and install the API jar, without requiring the various build-time dependencies needed when all of PL/Java is being built.

If not using Maven, you can simply add the pljava-api jar file to the class path for your Java compiler. Installation normally places the file in SHAREDIR/pljava where SHAREDIR is as reported by pg_config.

PL/Java configuration variables

Several configuration variables can affect PL/Java's operation, including some common PostgreSQL variables as well as PL/Java's own.

Enabling additional Java modules

By default, PL/Java code can see a small set of Java modules, including java.base and java.sql and a few others. To include others, use --add-modules in pljava.vmoptions.

Special topics

Configuring permissions

The permissions in effect for PL/Java functions can be tailored, independently for functions declared to the TRUSTED or untrusted language, as described here.

Tailoring permissions for code migrated from PL/Java pre-1.6

When migrating existing code from a PL/Java 1.5 or earlier release to 1.6, it may be necessary to add permission grants in the new pljava.policy file, which grants few permissions by default. To simplify migration, it is possible to run with a ‘trial’ policy initially, allowing code to run but logging permissions that may need to be added in pljava.policy. How to do that is described here.

The thread context class loader

Starting with PL/Java 1.6.3, within an SQL-declared PL/Java function, the class loader returned by Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader is the one that corresponds to the per-schema classpath that has been set with SQLJ.SET_CLASSPATH for the schema where the function is declared (assuming no Java code uses setContextClassLoader to change it).

Many available Java libraries, as well as built-in Java facilities using the ServiceLoader, refer to the context class loader, so this behavior ensures they will see the classes that are available on the classpath that was set up for the PL/Java function. In versions where PL/Java did not set the context loader, awkward arrangements could be needed in user code for the desired classes or services to be found.

There are some limits on the implementation, and some applications may want the former behavior where PL/Java did not touch the thread context loader. More details are available here.

Choices when mapping data types

Date and time types

PostgreSQL date, time, and timestamp types can still be matched to the original JDBC java.sql.Date, java.sql.Time, and java.sql.Timestamp, but application code is encouraged to move to Java 8 or later and use the new classes in the java.time package in Java 8 instead.

XML type

PL/Java can map PostgreSQL xml data to java.lang.String, but there are significant advantages to using the JDBC 4.0 java.sql.SQLXML type for processing XML.

Parallel query

PostgreSQL 9.3 introduced background worker processes (though at least PostgreSQL 9.5 is needed for support in PL/Java), and PostgreSQL 9.6 introduced parallel query.

For details on PL/Java in a background worker or parallel query, see PL/Java in parallel query.

Character-set encodings

PL/Java will work most seamlessly when the server encoding in PostgreSQL is UTF8. For other cases, please see the character encoding notes.

Byte-order issues

PL/Java is free of byte-order issues except when using its features for building user-defined types in Java. At sites with no current or planned use of those features, this section does not require attention.

The 1.5.0 release of PL/Java begins a transition affecting the byte-order defaults, which will be completed in a future release. No immediate action is recommended; there is a byte-order page for more on the topic and an advance notice of an expected future migration step.