Class ConditionalDDR

  • @SQLAction(provides={"LifeIsGood","LifeIsNotGood"},install="SELECT CASE 42 WHEN 42 THEN  set_config(\'pljava.implementors\', \'LifeIsGood,\' ||   current_setting(\'pljava.implementors\'), true) ELSE  set_config(\'pljava.implementors\', \'LifeIsNotGood,\' ||   current_setting(\'pljava.implementors\'), true) END") @SQLAction(implementor="LifeIsGood",install="SELECT javatest.logmessage(\'INFO\', \'ConditionalDDR looking good!\')") @SQLAction(implementor="LifeIsNotGood",install="SELECT javatest.logmessage(\'WARNING\',  \'ConditionalDDR: This should not be executed\')") @SQLAction(provides="postgresql_ge_100000",install="SELECT CASE WHEN 100000 <= CAST(current_setting(\'server_version_num\') AS integer) THEN set_config(\'pljava.implementors\', \'postgresql_ge_100000,\' ||  current_setting(\'pljava.implementors\'), true) END")
    public class ConditionalDDR
    extends Object
    Test of a very simple form of conditional execution in the deployment descriptor using only the <implementor name> specified for an <implementor block>.

    When a deployment descriptor is executed, the config setting pljava.implementors determines which <implementor block>s will be executed (in addition to all of the plain <SQL statement>s that are not tagged with an implementor name). The default setting of pljava.implementors is simply postgresql.

    In this example, an SQLAction (with the default implementor name PostgreSQL so it should always execute) tests some condition and, based on the result, adds LifeIsGood to the list of recognized implementor names.

    Later SQLActions with that implementor name should also be executed, while those with a different, unrecognized implementor should not.

    That is what happens at deployment (or undeployment) time, when the jar has been loaded into the target database and the deployment descriptor is being processed.

    The provides and requires attributes matter at compile time: they are hints to the DDR generator so it will be sure to write the SQLAction that tests the condition ahead of the ones that depend on the condition having been tested. The example illustrates that an SQLAction's implementor is treated as an implicit requires. Unlike an explicit one, it is weak: if there is nothing declared that provides it, that's not an error; affected SQLActions will just be placed as late in the generated DDR as other dependencies allow, in case something in the preceding actions will be setting those implementor tags.

    The implicit requires derived from an implementor is also special in another way: it does not have its sense reversed when generating the "undeploy" actions of the deployment descriptor. Ordinary requirements do, so the dependent objects get dropped before the things they depend on. But the code for setting a conditional implementor tag has to be placed ahead of the uses of the tag, whether deploying or undeploying.

    An SQLAction setting an implementor tag does not need to have any remove= actions. If it does not (the usual case), its install= actions will be used in both sections of the deployment descriptor.

    This example adds LifeIsGood ahead of the prior content of pljava.implementors. Simply replacing the value would stop the default implementor PostgreSQL being recognized, probably not what's wanted. The final true argument to set_config makes the setting local, so it is reverted when the transaction completes.

    In addition to the goodness-of-life examples, this file also generates one or more statements setting PostgreSQL-version-based implementor tags that are relied on by various other examples in this directory.