Class ReturnComposite

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    org.postgresql.pljava.ResultSetProvider, org.postgresql.pljava.ResultSetProvider.Large

               install={"SELECT  CASE WHEN want IS NOT DISTINCT FROM helloOutParams()  THEN javatest.logmessage(\'INFO\',    \'composite return passes\')  ELSE javatest.logmessage(\'WARNING\', \'composite return fails\')  END FROM  (SELECT \'Hello\' ::text, \'world\' ::text) AS want","WITH expected AS (VALUES  (\'Hello\' ::text, \'twelve\' ::text),  (\'Hello\',        \'thirteen\'),  (\'Hello\',        \'love\') )SELECT  CASE WHEN every(want IS NOT DISTINCT FROM got)  THEN javatest.logmessage(\'INFO\',    \'set of composite return passes\')  ELSE javatest.logmessage(\'WARNING\', \'set of composite return fails\')  END FROM  (SELECT row_number() OVER (), * FROM expected) AS want  LEFT JOIN (SELECT row_number() OVER (), * FROM hellotable()) AS got  USING (row_number)"})
    public class ReturnComposite
    extends Object
    implements org.postgresql.pljava.ResultSetProvider.Large
    Demonstrates @Function(out={...}) for a function that returns a non-predeclared composite type.
    • Nested Class Summary

      • Nested classes/interfaces inherited from interface org.postgresql.pljava.ResultSetProvider

    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor Description
    • Method Summary

      Modifier and Type Method Description
      boolean assignRowValues​(ResultSet out, long currentRow)  
      static boolean boolOneOut​(ResultSet in)
      Has a boolean result described by one out parameter.
      void close()  
      static String helloOneOut()
      Returns a result described by one out parameter.
      static Iterator<String> helloOneOutTable()
      Returns a table result described by one out parameter.
      static boolean helloOutParams​(ResultSet out)
      Returns a two-column composite result that does not have to be a predeclared composite type, or require the calling SQL query to follow the function call with a result column definition list, as is needed for a bare RECORD return type.
      static org.postgresql.pljava.ResultSetProvider helloTable()
      Returns a two-column table result that does not have to be a predeclared composite type, or require the calling SQL query to follow the function call with a result column definition list, as is needed for a bare RECORD return type.
      static boolean notOutParams​(ResultSet in)
      A function that does not return a composite type, despite having a similar Java form.
      • Methods inherited from interface org.postgresql.pljava.ResultSetProvider.Large

    • Method Detail

      • helloOutParams

                  out={"greeting text","addressee text"},
        public static boolean helloOutParams​(ResultSet out)
                                      throws SQLException
        Returns a two-column composite result that does not have to be a predeclared composite type, or require the calling SQL query to follow the function call with a result column definition list, as is needed for a bare RECORD return type.
      • notOutParams

        public static boolean notOutParams​(@SQLType("pg_catalog.record")
                                           ResultSet in)
                                    throws SQLException
        A function that does not return a composite type, despite having a similar Java form.

        Without the type= element, this would not be mistaken for composite. With the type= element (a contrived example, will cast the method's boolean result to text), PL/Java would normally match the method to the composite pattern (other than pg_catalog.RECORD, PL/Java does not pretend to know at compile time which types might be composite). The explicit SQLType annotation on the trailing ResultSet parameter forces it to be seen as an input, and the method to be seen as an ordinary method that happens to return boolean.

      • helloTable

                  out={"greeting text","addressee text"},
        public static org.postgresql.pljava.ResultSetProvider helloTable()
                                                                  throws SQLException
        Returns a two-column table result that does not have to be a predeclared composite type, or require the calling SQL query to follow the function call with a result column definition list, as is needed for a bare RECORD return type.
      • assignRowValues

        public boolean assignRowValues​(ResultSet out,
                                       long currentRow)
                                throws SQLException
        Specified by:
        assignRowValues in interface org.postgresql.pljava.ResultSetProvider
        Specified by:
        assignRowValues in interface org.postgresql.pljava.ResultSetProvider.Large
      • close

        public void close()
        Specified by:
        close in interface org.postgresql.pljava.ResultSetProvider
      • helloOneOut

                  out="greeting text")
        public static String helloOneOut()
                                  throws SQLException
        Returns a result described by one out parameter.

        Such a method is written in the style of any method that returns a scalar value, rather than receiving a writable ResultSet as a parameter.

      • boolOneOut

                  out="exquisite boolean")
        public static boolean boolOneOut​(@SQLType("pg_catalog.record")
                                         ResultSet in)
                                  throws SQLException
        Has a boolean result described by one out parameter.

        Because this method returns boolean and has a trailing row-typed input parameter, that parameter must have an SQLType annotation so that the method will not look like the more-than-one-OUT composite form, which would be rejected as a likely mistake.

      • helloOneOutTable

                  out="addressee text")
        public static Iterator<StringhelloOneOutTable()
                                                 throws SQLException
        Returns a table result described by one out parameter.

        Such a method is written in the style of any method that returns a set of some scalar value, using an Iterator rather than a ResultSetProvider or ResultSetHandle.
