Class S9

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    org.postgresql.pljava.ResultSetProvider, org.postgresql.pljava.ResultSetProvider.Large

    public class S9
    extends Object
    implements org.postgresql.pljava.ResultSetProvider.Large
    Class illustrating use of XQuery with Saxon as the implementation, using its native "s9api".

    Supplies alternative, XML Query-based (as the SQL/XML standard dictates) implementation of some of SQL/XML, where the implementation in core PostgreSQL is limited to the capabilities of XPath (and XPath 1.0, at that).

    Without the syntatic sugar built into the core PostgreSQL parser, calls to a function in this class can look a bit more verbose in SQL, but reflect a straightforward rewriting from the standard syntax. For example, suppose there is a table catalog_as_xml with a single row whose x column is a (respectably sized) XML document recording the stuff in pg_catalog. It could be created like this:

     CREATE TABLE catalog_as_xml(x) AS
       SELECT schema_to_xml('pg_catalog', false, true, '');

    Functions/predicates from ISO 9075-14 SQL/XML


    In the syntax of the SQL/XML standard, here is a query that would return an XML element representing the declaration of a function with a specified name:

     SELECT XMLQUERY('/pg_catalog/pg_proc[proname eq $FUNCNAME]'
                     PASSING BY VALUE x, 'numeric_avg' AS FUNCNAME
     FROM catalog_as_xml;

    It binds the 'context item' of the query to x, and the NAME parameter to the given value, then evaluates the query and returns XML "CONTENT" (a tree structure with a document node at the root, but not necessarily meeting all the requirements of an XML "DOCUMENT"). It can be rewritten as this call to the xq_ret_content method:

     SELECT javatest.xq_ret_content('/pg_catalog/pg_proc[proname eq $FUNCNAME]',
                                    PASSING => p, nullOnEmpty => false)
     FROM catalog_as_xml,
     LATERAL (SELECT x AS ".", 'numeric_avg' AS "FUNCNAME") AS p;

    In the rewritten form, the form of result wanted (RETURNING CONTENT) is implicit in the called function name (xq_ret_content), and the parameters to pass to the query are moved out to a separate SELECT that supplies their values, types, and names (with the context item now given the name ".") and is passed by its alias into the query function.

    Because of an unconditional uppercasing that PL/Java's JDBC driver currently applies to column names, any parameter names, such as FUNCNAME above, must be spelled in uppercase where used in the XQuery text, or they will not be recognized. Because the unconditional uppercasing is highly likely to be dropped in a future PL/Java release, it is wisest until then to use only parameter names that really are uppercase, both in the XQuery text where they are used and in the SQL expression that supplies them. In PostgreSQL, identifiers that are not quoted are lowercased, so they must be both uppercase and quoted, in the SQL syntax, to be truly uppercase.

    In the standard, parameters and results (of XML types) can be passed BY VALUE or BY REF, where the latter means that the same nodes will retain their XQuery node identities over calls (note that this is a meaning unrelated to what "by value" and "by reference" usually mean in PostgreSQL's documentation). PostgreSQL's implementation of the XML type provides no way for BY REF semantics to be implemented, so everything happening here happens BY VALUE implicitly, and does not need to be specified.


    The function xmlexists here implements the standard function of the same name. Because it is the same name, it has to be either schema-qualified or double-quoted in a call to avoid confusion with the reserved word. In the syntax of the SQL/XML standard, here is a query returning a boolean value indicating whether a function with the specified name is declared:

     SELECT XMLEXISTS('/pg_catalog/pg_proc[proname eq $FUNCNAME]'
                      PASSING BY VALUE x, 'numeric_avg' AS FUNCNAME)
     FROM catalog_as_xml;

    It can be rewritten as this call to the xmlexists method:

     SELECT "xmlexists"('/pg_catalog/pg_proc[proname eq $FUNCNAME]',
                        PASSING => p)
     FROM catalog_as_xml,
     LATERAL (SELECT x AS ".", 'numeric_avg' AS "FUNCNAME") AS p;


    The function xmltable here implements (much of) the standard function of the same name. Because it is the same name, it has to be either schema-qualified or double-quoted in a call to avoid confusion with the reserved word. A rewritten form of the first example in the PostgreSQL manual could be:

     SELECT xmltable.*
        LATERAL (SELECT data AS ".", 'not specified'::text AS "DPREMIER") AS p,
        "xmltable"('//ROWS/ROW', PASSING => p, COLUMNS => ARRAY[
         'data(@id)', null, 'COUNTRY_NAME',
         'COUNTRY_ID', 'SIZE[@unit eq "sq_km"]',
         'concat(SIZE[@unit ne "sq_km"], " ", SIZE[@unit ne "sq_km"]/@unit)',
         'let $e := PREMIER_NAME
          return if ( empty($e) )then $DPREMIER else $e'
        ]) AS (
         id int, ordinality int8, "COUNTRY_NAME" text, country_id text,
         size_sq_km float, size_other text, premier_name text

    In the first column expression, without the data() function, the result would be a bare attribute node (one not enclosed in an XML element). Many implementations will accept a bare attribute as a column expression result, and simply assume the attribute's value is wanted, but it appears that a strict implementation of the spec must raise err:XPTY0004 in such a case. This implementation is meant to be strict, so the attribute is wrapped in data() to extract and return its value. (See "About bare attribute nodes" in assignRowValues for more explanation.)

    The DPREMIER parameter passed from SQL to the XQuery expression is spelled in uppercase (and also, in the SQL expression supplying it, quoted), for the reasons explained above for the xq_ret_content function.


    An ISO standard cast expression like

     XMLCAST(v AS wantedtype)
    can be rewritten with this idiom and the xmlcast function provided here:
     (SELECT r FROM (SELECT v) AS o, xmlcast(o) AS (r wantedtype))

    XQuery regular-expression functions in ISO 9075-2 Foundations

    The methods like_regex, occurrences_regex, position_regex, substring_regex, and translate_regex provide, with slightly altered syntax, the ISO SQL predicate and functions of the same names.

    For the moment, they will only match newlines in the way W3C XQuery specifies, not in the more-flexible Unicode-compatible way ISO SQL specifies, and for the ones where ISO SQL allows USING CHARACTERS or USING OCTETS, only USING CHARACTERS will work.


    XQuery module prolog allowed

    Where any function here accepts an XQuery "expression" according to the SQL specification, in fact an XQuery "main module" will be accepted. Therefore, the query can be preceded by a prolog declaring namespaces, options, local variables and functions, etc.

    Saxon extension to XQuery regular expressions

    Saxon's implementation of XQuery regular expressions will accept a nonstandard flag string ending with ;j to use Java regular expressions rather than XQuery ones. That extension is available in the XQuery regular-expression methods provided here.

    Chapman Flack
    • Nested Class Summary

      • Nested classes/interfaces inherited from interface org.postgresql.pljava.ResultSetProvider

    • Method Detail

      • xmltext

        public static SQLXML xmltext​(String sve)
                              throws SQLException
        PostgreSQL (as of 12) lacks the XMLTEXT function, so here it is.

        As long as PostgreSQL does not have the XML(SEQUENCE) type, this can only be the XMLTEXT(sve RETURNING CONTENT) flavor, which does create a text node with sve as its value, but returns the text node wrapped in a document node.

        This function doesn't actually require Saxon, but otherwise fits in with the theme here, implementing missing parts of SQL/XML for PostgreSQL.

        sve - SQL string value to use in a text node
        XML content, the text node wrapped in a document node
      • xmlcast

                  settings="IntervalStyle TO iso_8601")
        public static boolean xmlcast​(ResultSet operand,
                                      Boolean base64,
                                      ResultSet target)
                               throws SQLException
        An implementation of XMLCAST.

        Will be declared to take and return type RECORD, where each must have exactly one component, just because that makes it easy to use existing JDBC metadata queries to find out the operand and target SQL data types.

        Serving suggestion: rewrite this ISO standard expression

         XMLCAST(v AS wantedtype)
        to this idiomatic one:
         (SELECT r FROM (SELECT v) AS o, xmlcast(o) AS (r wantedtype))
        operand - a one-row, one-column record supplied by the caller, whose one typed value is the operand to be cast.
        base64 - true if binary SQL values should be base64-encoded in XML; if false (the default), values will be encoded in hex.
        target - a one-row, one-column record supplied by PL/Java from the AS clause after the function call, whose one column's type is the type to be cast to.
      • xq_ret_content

                  settings="IntervalStyle TO iso_8601")
        public static SQLXML xq_ret_content​(String expression,
                                            Boolean nullOnEmpty,
                                            ResultSet passing,
                                            String[] namespaces)
                                     throws SQLException
        A simple example corresponding to XMLQUERY(expression PASSING BY VALUE passing RETURNING CONTENT {NULL|EMPTY} ON EMPTY).
        expression - An XQuery expression. Must not be null (in the SQL standard XMLQUERY syntax, it is not even allowed to be an SQL expression at all, only a string literal).
        nullOnEmpty - pass true to get a null return in place of an empty sequence, or false to just get the empty sequence.
        passing - A row value whose columns will be supplied to the query as parameters. Columns with names (typically supplied with AS) appear as predeclared external variables with matching names (in no namespace) in the query, with types derived from the SQL types of the row value's columns. There may be one (and no more than one) column with AS "." which, if present, will be bound as the context item. (The name ?column?, which PostgreSQL uses for an otherwise-unnamed column, is also accepted, which will often allow the context item to be specified with no AS at all. Beware, though, that PostgreSQL likes to invent column names from any function or type name that may appear in the value expression, so this shorthand will not always work, while AS "." will.) PL/Java's internal JDBC uppercases all column names, so any uses of the corresponding variables in the query must have the names in upper case. It is safest to also uppercase their appearances in the SQL (for which, in PostgreSQL, they must be quoted), so that the JDBC uppercasing is not being relied on. It is likely to be dropped in a future PL/Java release.
        namespaces - An even-length String array where, of each pair of consecutive entries, the first is a namespace prefix and the second is the URI to which to bind it. The zero-length prefix sets the default element and type namespace; if the prefix has zero length, the URI may also have zero length, to declare that unprefixed elements are in no namespace.
      • xmlexists

                  settings="IntervalStyle TO iso_8601")
        public static Boolean xmlexists​(String expression,
                                        ResultSet passing,
                                        String[] namespaces)
                                 throws SQLException
        An implementation of XMLEXISTS(expression PASSING BY VALUE passing), using genuine XQuery.
        expression - An XQuery expression. Must not be null (in the SQL standard XMLQUERY syntax, it is not even allowed to be an SQL expression at all, only a string literal).
        passing - A row value whose columns will be supplied to the query as parameters. Columns with names (typically supplied with AS) appear as predeclared external variables with matching names (in no namespace) in the query, with types derived from the SQL types of the row value's columns. There may be one (and no more than one) column with AS "." which, if present, will be bound as the context item. (The name ?column?, which PostgreSQL uses for an otherwise-unnamed column, is also accepted, which will often allow the context item to be specified with no AS at all. Beware, though, that PostgreSQL likes to invent column names from any function or type name that may appear in the value expression, so this shorthand will not always work, while AS "." will.) PL/Java's internal JDBC uppercases all column names, so any uses of the corresponding variables in the query must have the names in upper case. It is safest to also uppercase their appearances in the SQL (for which, in PostgreSQL, they must be quoted), so that the JDBC uppercasing is not being relied on. It is likely to be dropped in a future PL/Java release.
        namespaces - An even-length String array where, of each pair of consecutive entries, the first is a namespace prefix and the second is the URI to which to bind it. The zero-length prefix sets the default element and type namespace; if the prefix has zero length, the URI may also have zero length, to declare that unprefixed elements are in no namespace.
        True if the expression evaluates to a nonempty sequence, false if it evaluates to an empty one. Null if a context item is passed and its SQL value is null.
      • xmltable

                  settings="IntervalStyle TO iso_8601")
        public static org.postgresql.pljava.ResultSetProvider xmltable​(String rows,
                                                                       String[] columns,
                                                                       ResultSet passing,
                                                                       String[] namespaces,
                                                                       Boolean base64)
                                                                throws SQLException
        An implementation of (much of) XMLTABLE, using genuine XML Query.

        The columns array must supply a valid XML Query expression for every column in the column definition list that follows the call of this function in SQL, except that the column for ordinality, if wanted, is identified by a null entry in columns. Syntax sugar in the standard allows an omitted column expression to imply an element test for an element with the same name as the column; that doesn't work here.

        For now, this implementation lacks the ability to specify defaults for when a column expression produces an empty sequence. It is possible to do defaults explicitly by rewriting a query expression expr as let $e := exprreturn if(empty($e))then $D else $e and supplying the default D as another query parameter, though such defaults will be evaluated only once when xmltable is called and will not be able to refer to other values in an output row.

        rows - The single XQuery expression whose result sequence generates the rows of the resulting table. Must not be null.
        columns - Array of XQuery expressions, exactly as many as result columns in the column definition list that follows the SQL call to this function. This array must not be null. It is allowed for one element (and no more than one) to be null, marking the corresponding column to be "FOR ORDINALITY" (the column must be of "exact numeric with scale zero" type; PostgreSQL supports 64-bit row counters, so int8 is recommended).
        passing - A row value whose columns will be supplied to the query as parameters, just as described for xq_ret_content(). If a context item is supplied, it is the context item for the rows query (the columns queries get their context item from the rows query's result). Any named parameters supplied here are available both in the rows expression and (though this goes beyond the standard) in every expression of columns, with their values unchanging from row to row.
        namespaces - An even-length String array where, of each pair of consecutive entries, the first is a namespace prefix and the second is to URI to which to bind it, just as described for xq_ret_content().
        base64 - whether the effective, in-scope 'xmlbinary' setting calls for base64 or (the default, false) hexadecimal.
      • close

        public void close()
        Called when PostgreSQL has no need for more rows of the tabular result.
        Specified by:
        close in interface org.postgresql.pljava.ResultSetProvider
      • assignRowValues

        public boolean assignRowValues​(ResultSet receive,
                                       long currentRow)
                                throws SQLException
        Produce and return one row of the XMLTABLE result table per call.

        The row expression has already been compiled and its evaluation begun, producing a sequence iterator. The column XQuery expressions have all been compiled and are ready to evaluate, and the compiler's static analysis has bounded the data types they will produce. Because of the way the set-returning function protocol works, we don't know the types of the SQL output columns yet, until the first call of this function, when the receive parameter's ResultSetMetaData can be inspected to find out. So that will be the first thing done when called with currentRow of zero.

        Each call will then: (a) get the next value from the row expression's sequence iterator, then for each column, (b) evaluate that column's XQuery expression on the row value, and (c) assign that column's result to the SQL output column, casting to the proper type (which the SQL/XML spec has very exacting rules on how to do).

        A note before going any further: this implementation, while fairly typical of a PostgreSQL set-returning user function, is not the way the SQL/XML spec defines XMLTABLE. The official behavior of XMLTABLE is defined in terms of a rewriting, at the SQL level, into a much-expanded SQL query where each result column appears as an XMLQUERY call applying the column expression, wrapped in an XMLCAST to the result column type (with a CASE WHEN XMLEXISTS thrown in to support column defaults).

        As an ordinary user function, this example cannot rely on any fancy query rewriting during PostgreSQL's parse analysis. The slight syntax desugaring needed to transform a standard XMLTABLE call into a call of this "xmltable" is not too hard to learn and do by hand, but no one would ever want to write out by hand the whole longwinded "official" expansion prescribed in the spec. So this example is a compromise.

        The main thing lost in the compromise is the handling of column defaults. The full rewriting with per-column SQL expressions means that each column default expression can be evaluated exactly when/if needed, which is often the desired behavior. This implementation as an ordinary function, whose arguments all get evaluated ahead of the call, can't really do that. Otherwise, there's nothing in the spec that's inherently unachievable in this implementation.

        Which brings us to the matter of casting each column expression result to the proper type for its SQL result column.

        Like any spec, SQL/XML does not mandate that an implementation must be done in exactly the way presented in the spec (rewritten so each column value is produced by an XMLQUERY wrapped in an XMLCAST). The requirement is to produce the equivalent result.

        A look at the rewritten query shows that each column XQuery result value must be representable as some value in SQL's type system, not once, but twice: first as the result returned by XMLQUERY and passed along to XMLCAST, and finally with the output column's type as the result of the XMLCAST.

        Now, the output column type can be whatever is wanted. Importantly, it can be either an XML type, or any ordinary SQL scalar type, like a float or a date. Likewise, the XQuery column expression may have produced some atomic value (like an xs:double or xs:date), or some XML node, or any sequence of any of those.

        What are the choices for the type in the middle: the SQL value returned by XMLQUERY and passed on to XMLCAST?

        There are two. An ISO-standard SQL XMLQUERY can specify RETURNING SEQUENCE or RETURNING CONTENT. The first option produces the type XML(SEQUENCE), a useful type that PostgreSQL does not currently have. XML(SEQUENCE) can hold exactly whatever an XQuery expression can produce: a sequence of any length, of any mixture of atomic values and XML nodes (even such oddities as attribute nodes outside of any element), in any order. An XML(SEQUENCE) value need not look anything like what "XML" normally brings to mind.

        With the other option, RETURNING CONTENT, the result of XMLQUERY has to be something that PostgreSQL's xml type could store: a serialized document with XML structure, but without the strict requirements of exactly one root element with no text outside it. At the limit, a completely non-XMLish string of ordinary text is perfectly acceptable XML CONTENT, as long as it uses the right &...; escapes for any characters that could look like XML markup.

        XMLCAST is able to accept either form as input, and deliver it to the output column as whatever type is needed. But the spec leaves no wiggle room as to which form to use:

        • If the result column type is XML(SEQUENCE), then the XMLQUERY is to specify RETURNING SEQUENCE. It produces the column's result type directly, so the XMLCAST has nothing to do.
        • In every other case (every other case), the XMLQUERY is to specify RETURNING CONTENT.

        At first blush, that second rule should sound crazy. Imagine a column definition like

         growth float8 PATH 'math:pow(1.0 + $RATE, count(year))'
        The expression produces an xs:double, which can be assigned directly to a PostgreSQL float8, but the rule in the spec will have it first converted to a decimal string representation, made into a text node, wrapped in a document node, and returned as XML, to be passed along to XMLCAST, which parses it, discards the wrapping document node, parses the text content as a double, and returns that as a proper value of the result column type (which, in this example, it already is).

        The spec does not go into why this rule was chosen. The only rationale that makes sense to me is that the XML(SEQUENCE) data type is an SQL feature (X190) that not every implementation will support, so the spec has to define XMLTABLE using a rewritten query that can work on systems that do not have that type. (PostgreSQL itself, at present, does not have it.)

        The first rule, when XML(SEQUENCE) is the result column type, will naturally never be in play except on a system that has that type, in which case it can be used directly. But even such a system must still produce, in all other cases, results that match what a system without that type would produce. All those cases are therefore defined as if going the long way through XML(CONTENT).

        Whenever the XQuery expression can be known to produce a (possibly empty or) singleton sequence of an atomic type, the long round trip can be shown to be idempotent, and we can skip right to casting the atomic type to the SQL result column type. A few other cases could be short-circuited the same way. But in general, for cases involving nodes or non-singleton sequences, it is safest to follow the spec punctiliously; the steps are defined in terms of XQuery constructs like document {...} and data(), which have specs of their own with many traps for the unwary, and the XQuery library provides implementations of them that are already tested and correct.

        Though most of the work can be done by the XQuery library, it may be helpful to look closely at just what the specification entails.

        Again, but for the case of an XML(SEQUENCE) result column, in all other cases the result must pass through XMLQUERY(... RETURNING CONTENT EMPTY ON EMPTY). That, in turn, is defined as equivalent to XMLQUERY(... RETURNING SEQUENCE) with the result then passed to XMLDOCUMENT(... RETURNING CONTENT), whose behavior is that of a document node constructor in XQuery, with construction mode preserve. The first step of that behavior is the same as Step 1e in the processing of direct element constructor content. The remaining steps are those laid out for the document node constructor.

        Clarity demands flattening this nest of specifications into a single ordered list of the steps to apply:

        • Any item in the sequence that is an array is flattened (its elements become items in the sequence).
        • If any item is a function, err:XQTY0105 is raised.
        • Any sequence $s of adjacent atomic values is replaced by string-join($s, ' ').
        • Any XML node in the sequence is copied (as detailed in the spec).
        • After all the above, any document node that may exist in the resulting sequence is flattened (replaced by its children).
        • A single text node is produced for any run of adjacent text nodes in the sequence (including any that have newly become adjacent by the flattening of document nodes), by concatenation with no separator (unlike the earlier step where atomic values were concatenated with a space as the separator).
        • If the sequence directly contains any attribute or namespace node, err:XPTY0004 is raised. More on this below.
        • The sequence resulting from the preceding steps is wrapped in one new document node (as detailed in the spec).

        At this point, the result could be returned to SQL as a value of XML(CONTENT(ANY)) type, to be passed to an XMLCAST invocation. This implementation avoids that, and simply proceeds with the existing Java in-memory representation of the document tree, to the remaining steps entailed in an XMLCAST to the output column type:

        • If the result column type is an XML type, rewriting would turn the XMLCAST into a simple CAST and that's that. Otherwise, the result column has some non-XML, SQL type, and:
        • The algorithm "Removing XQuery document nodes from an XQuery sequence" is applied. By construction, we know the only such node is the one the whole sequence was recently wrapped in, two steps ago (you get your house back, you get your dog back, you get your truck back...).
        • That sequence of zero or more XML nodes is passed to the fn:data function, producing a sequence of zero or more atomic values, which will all have type xs:untypedAtomic (because the document-wrapping stringified any original atomic values and wrapped them in text nodes, for which the typed-value is xs:untypedAtomic by definition). This sequence also has cardinality zero-or-more, and may be shorter or longer than the original.
        • If the sequence is empty, the result column is assigned NULL (or the column's default value, if one was specified). Otherwise, the sequence is known to have length one or more, and:
        • The spec does not say this (which may be an oversight or bug), but the sequence must be checked for length greater than one, raising err:XPTY0004 in that case. The following steps require it to be a singleton.
        • It is labeled as a singleton sequence of xs:anyAtomicType and used as input to an XQuery cast as expression. (Alternatively, it could be labeled a one-or-more sequence of xs:anyAtomicType, leaving the length check to be done by cast as, which would raise the same error err:XPTY0004, if longer than one.)
        • The cast as is to the XQuery type determined as in determineXQueryFormalType below, based on the SQL type of the result column; or, if the SQL type is a date/time type with no time zone, there is a first cast as to a specific XSD date/time type, which is (if it has a time zone) first adjusted to UTC, then stripped of its time zone, followed by a second cast as from that type to the one determined from the result column type. Often, that will be the same type as was used for the time zone adjustment, and the second cast as will have nothing to do.
        • The XQuery value resulting from the cast is converted and assigned to the SQL-typed result column, a step with many details but few surprises, therefore left for the morbidly curious to explore in the code. The flip side of the time zone removal described above happens here: if the SQL column type expects a time zone and the incoming value lacks one, it is given a zone of UTC.

        The later steps above, those following the length-one check, are handled by xmlCastAsNonXML below.

        The earlier steps, from the start through the XMLCAST early steps of document-node unwrapping, can all be applied by letting the original result sequence be $EXPR in the expression:

         declare construction preserve;
         data(document { $EXPR } / child::node())
        which may seem a bit of an anticlimax after seeing how many details lurk behind those tidy lines of code.

        About bare attribute nodes

        One consequence of the rules above deserves special attention. Consider something like:

         XMLTABLE('.' PASSING '<a foo="bar"/>' COLUMNS c1 VARCHAR PATH 'a/@foo');

        The result of the column expression is an XML attribute node all on its own, with name foo and value bar, not enclosed in any XML element. In the data type XML(SEQUENCE), an attribute node can appear standalone like that, but not in XML(CONTENT).

        Db2, Oracle, and even the XPath-based pseudo-XMLTABLE built into PostgreSQL, will all accept that query and produce the result "bar".

        However, a strict interpretation of the spec cannot produce that result, because the result column type (VARCHAR) is not XML(SEQUENCE), meaning the result must be as if passed through XMLDOCUMENT(... RETURNING CONTENT), and the XQuery document { ... } constructor is required to raise err:XPTY0004 upon encountering any bare attribute node. The apparently common, convenient behavior of returning the attribute node's value component is not, strictly, conformant.

        This implementation will raise err:XPTY0004. That can be avoided by simply wrapping any such bare attribute in data():

         ... COLUMNS c1 VARCHAR PATH 'a/data(@foo)');

        It is possible the spec has an editorial mistake and did not intend to require an error for this usage, in which case this implementation can be changed to match a future clarification of the spec.

        Specified by:
        assignRowValues in interface org.postgresql.pljava.ResultSetProvider
        Specified by:
        assignRowValues in interface org.postgresql.pljava.ResultSetProvider.Large
      • like_regex

        public static boolean like_regex​(String value,
                                         String pattern,
                                         String flag,
                                         boolean w3cNewlines)
                                  throws SQLException
        Function form of the ISO SQL <regex like predicate>.

        Rewrite the standard form

         value LIKE_REGEX pattern FLAG flags
        into this form:
         like_regex(value, pattern, flag => flags)
        where the flag parameter defaults to no flags if omitted.

        The SQL standard specifies that pattern elements sensitive to newlines (namely ^, $, \s, \S, and .) are to support the various representations of newline set out in Unicode Technical Standard #18, RL1.6. That behavior differs from the standard W3C XQuery newline handling, as described for the flags m and s and for the multicharacter escapes \s and \S. As an extension to ISO SQL, passing w3cNewlines => true requests the standard W3C XQuery behavior rather than the UTS#18 behevior for newlines. If the underlying XQuery library only provides the W3C behavior, calls without w3cNewlines => true will throw exceptions.

        value - The string to be tested against the pattern.
        pattern - The XQuery regular expression.
        flag - Optional string of flags adjusting the regular expression behavior.
        w3cNewlines - Pass true to allow the regular expression to recognize newlines according to the W3C XQuery rules rather than those of ISO SQL.
        True if the supplied value matches the pattern. Null if any parameter is null.
        SQLException - SQLDataException with SQLSTATE 2201S if the regular expression is invalid, 2201T if the flags string is invalid; SQLFeatureNotSupportedException (0A000) if (in the current implementation) w3cNewlines is false or omitted.
      • occurrences_regex

        public static int occurrences_regex​(String pattern,
                                            String in,
                                            String flag,
                                            int from,
                                            boolean usingOctets,
                                            boolean w3cNewlines)
                                     throws SQLException
        Syntax-sugar-free form of the ISO SQL OCCURRENCES_REGEX function: how many times does a pattern occur in a string?

        Rewrite the standard form

         OCCURRENCES_REGEX(pattern FLAG flags IN str FROM position USING units)
        into this form:
         occurrences_regex(pattern, flag => flags, "in" => str,
                           "from" => position, usingOctets => true|false)
        where all of the named parameters are optional except pattern and "in", and the standard USING CHARACTERS becomes usingOctets => false, which is the default, and USING OCTETS becomes usingOctets => true. See also like_regex regarding the w3cNewlines parameter.
        pattern - XQuery regular expression to seek in the input string.
        in - The input string.
        flag - Optional string of flags adjusting the regular expression behavior.
        from - Starting position in the input string, 1 by default.
        usingOctets - Whether position is counted in characters (actual Unicode characters, not any smaller encoded unit, not even Java char), which is the default, or (when true) in octets of the string's encoded form.
        w3cNewlines - Pass true to allow the regular expression to recognize newlines according to the W3C XQuery rules rather than those of ISO SQL.
        The number of occurrences of the pattern in the input string, starting from the specified position. Null if any parameter is null; -1 if the start position is less than 1 or beyond the end of the string.
        SQLException - SQLDataException with SQLSTATE 2201S if the regular expression is invalid, 2201T if the flags string is invalid; SQLFeatureNotSupportedException (0A000) if (in the current implementation) usingOctets is true, or w3cNewlines is false or omitted.
      • position_regex

        public static int position_regex​(String pattern,
                                         String in,
                                         String flag,
                                         int from,
                                         boolean usingOctets,
                                         boolean after,
                                         int occurrence,
                                         int group,
                                         boolean w3cNewlines)
                                  throws SQLException
        Syntax-sugar-free form of the ISO SQL POSITION_REGEX function: where does a pattern, or part of it, occur in a string?

        Rewrite the standard forms

         POSITION_REGEX(START pattern FLAG flags IN str FROM position
                        OCCURRENCE n GROUP m)
         POSITION_REGEX(AFTER pattern FLAG flags IN str FROM position
                        OCCURRENCE n GROUP m)
        into these forms, respectively:
         position_regex(pattern, flag => flags, "in" => str,
                        "from" => position, occurrence => n,
                        "group" => m)
         position_regex(pattern, flag => flags, "in" => str,
                        "from" => position, occurrence => n,
                        "group" => m, after => true)
        where all of the named parameters are optional except pattern and "in". See also occurrences_regex regarding the usingOctets parameter, and like_regex regarding w3cNewlines.
        pattern - XQuery regular expression to seek in the input string.
        in - The input string.
        flag - Optional string of flags adjusting the regular expression behavior.
        from - Starting position in the input string, 1 by default.
        usingOctets - Whether position is counted in characters (actual Unicode characters, not any smaller encoded unit, not even Java char), which is the default, or (when true) in octets of the string's encoded form.
        after - Whether to return the position where the match starts (when false, the default), or just after the match ends (when true).
        occurrence - If specified as an integer n (default 1), returns the position starting (or after) the nth match of the pattern in the string.
        group - If zero (the default), returns the position starting (or after) the match of the whole pattern overall, otherwise if an integer m, the position starting or after the mth parenthesized group in (the nth occurrence of) the pattern.
        w3cNewlines - Pass true to allow the regular expression to recognize newlines according to the W3C XQuery rules rather than those of ISO SQL.
        The position, in the specified units, starting or just after, the nth occurrence (or mth capturing group of the nth occurrence) of the pattern in the input string, starting from the specified position. Null if any parameter is null; zero if the start position is less than 1 or beyond the end of the string, if occurrence is less than 1 or greater than the number of matches, or if group is less than zero or greater than the number of parenthesized capturing groups in the pattern.
        SQLException - SQLDataException with SQLSTATE 2201S if the regular expression is invalid, 2201T if the flags string is invalid; SQLFeatureNotSupportedException (0A000) if (in the current implementation) usingOctets is true, or w3cNewlines is false or omitted.
      • substring_regex

        public static String substring_regex​(String pattern,
                                             String in,
                                             String flag,
                                             int from,
                                             boolean usingOctets,
                                             int occurrence,
                                             int group,
                                             boolean w3cNewlines)
                                      throws SQLException
        Syntax-sugar-free form of the ISO SQL SUBSTRING_REGEX function: return a substring specified by a pattern match in a string.

        Rewrite the standard form

         SUBSTRING_REGEX(pattern FLAG flags IN str FROM position
                         OCCURRENCE n GROUP m)
        into this form:
         substring_regex(pattern, flag => flags, "in" => str,
                         "from" => position, occurrence => n,
                         "group" => m)
        where all of the named parameters are optional except pattern and "in". See also position_regex regarding the occurrence and "group" parameters, occurrences_regex regarding usingOctets, and like_regex regarding w3cNewlines.
        pattern - XQuery regular expression to seek in the input string.
        in - The input string.
        flag - Optional string of flags adjusting the regular expression behavior.
        from - Starting position in the input string, 1 by default.
        usingOctets - Whether position is counted in characters (actual Unicode characters, not any smaller encoded unit, not even Java char), which is the default, or (when true) in octets of the string's encoded form.
        occurrence - If specified as an integer n (default 1), returns the nth match of the pattern in the string.
        group - If zero (the default), returns the match of the whole pattern overall, otherwise if an integer m, the match of the mth parenthesized group in (the nth occurrence of) the pattern.
        w3cNewlines - Pass true to allow the regular expression to recognize newlines according to the W3C XQuery rules rather than those of ISO SQL.
        The substring matching the nth occurrence (or mth capturing group of the nth occurrence) of the pattern in the input string, starting from the specified position. Null if any parameter is null, if the start position is less than 1 or beyond the end of the string, if occurrence is less than 1 or greater than the number of matches, or if group is less than zero or greater than the number of parenthesized capturing groups in the pattern.
        SQLException - SQLDataException with SQLSTATE 2201S if the regular expression is invalid, 2201T if the flags string is invalid; SQLFeatureNotSupportedException (0A000) if (in the current implementation) usingOctets is true, or w3cNewlines is false or omitted.
      • translate_regex

        public static String translate_regex​(String pattern,
                                             String in,
                                             String flag,
                                             String with,
                                             int from,
                                             boolean usingOctets,
                                             int occurrence,
                                             boolean w3cNewlines)
                                      throws SQLException
        Syntax-sugar-free form of the ISO SQL TRANSLATE_REGEX function: return a string constructed from the input string by replacing one specified occurrence, or all occurrences, of a matching pattern.

        Rewrite the standard forms

         TRANSLATE_REGEX(pattern FLAG flags IN str WITH repl FROM position
                         OCCURRENCE ALL)
         TRANSLATE_REGEX(pattern FLAG flags IN str WITH repl FROM position
                         OCCURRENCE n)
        into these forms, respectively:
         translate_regex(pattern, flag => flags, "in" => str,
                         "with" => repl, "from" => position)
         translate_regex(pattern, flag => flags, "in" => str,
                         "with" => repl, "from" => position,
                         occurrence => n)
        where all of the named parameters are optional except pattern and "in" (the default for "with" is the empty string, resulting in matches being deleted). See also position_regex regarding the occurrence parameter, occurrences_regex regarding usingOctets, and like_regex regarding w3cNewlines.

        For the specified occurrence (or all occurrences), the matching portion s of the string is replaced as by the XQuery function replace(s, pattern, repl, flags). The repl string may contain $0 to refer to the entire matched substring, or $m to refer to the mth parenthesized capturing group in the pattern.

        pattern - XQuery regular expression to seek in the input string.
        in - The input string.
        flag - Optional string of flags adjusting the regular expression behavior.
        with - The replacement string, possibly with $m references.
        from - Starting position in the input string, 1 by default.
        usingOctets - Whether position is counted in characters (actual Unicode characters, not any smaller encoded unit, not even Java char), which is the default, or (when true) in octets of the string's encoded form.
        occurrence - If specified as an integer n (default 0 for "ALL"), replace the nth match of the pattern in the string.
        w3cNewlines - Pass true to allow the regular expression to recognize newlines according to the W3C XQuery rules rather than those of ISO SQL.
        The input string with one occurrence or all occurences of the pattern replaced, as described above. Null if any parameter is null, or if the start position is less than 1 or beyond the end of the string. The input string unchanged if occurrence is less than zero or exceeds the number of matches.
        SQLException - SQLDataException with SQLSTATE 2201S if the regular expression is invalid, 2201T if the flags string is invalid; 2201U if replacing where the pattern has matched a substring of zero length; 2201V if the replacement string has improper form (a backslash must be used to escape any dollar sign or backslash intended literally); SQLFeatureNotSupportedException (0A000) if (in the current implementation) usingOctets is true, or w3cNewlines is false or omitted.