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AbstractPGXS - Class in org.postgresql.pljava.pgxs
Class to act as a blueprint for platform specific build configurations in pljava-so/pom.xml
AbstractPGXS() - Constructor for class org.postgresql.pljava.pgxs.AbstractPGXS
asPath(FileObject) - Method in class org.postgresql.pljava.pgxs.RelativizingFileManager


buildPaths(List<String>) - Method in class org.postgresql.pljava.pgxs.PGXSUtils
Returns a map with two elements with classpath and modulepath as keys and their joined string paths as the respective values.


canGenerateReport() - Method in class org.postgresql.pljava.pgxs.ReportScriptingMojo
Returns true if a report can be generated, false otherwise.
canGenerateReport(ReportScriptingMojo) - Method in interface org.postgresql.pljava.pgxs.ReportScript
compile(String, List<String>, Path, List<String>, Map<String, String>, List<String>) - Method in class org.postgresql.pljava.pgxs.AbstractPGXS
Add instructions for compiling the pljava-so C files on your platform by implementing this method in your configuration block.


defaultCharsetDecodeStrict(byte[]) - Method in class org.postgresql.pljava.pgxs.PGXSUtils
Returns the string decoded from input bytes using default platform charset.


exceptionWrap(Object) - Method in class org.postgresql.pljava.pgxs.ReportScriptingMojo
Wraps the input object in a MavenReportException.
exceptionWrap(Object, boolean) - Method in class org.postgresql.pljava.pgxs.ScriptingMojo
Wraps the input object in a AbstractMojoExecutionException.
execute() - Method in interface org.postgresql.pljava.pgxs.GoalScript
Executes the driver code for running the script.
execute() - Method in class org.postgresql.pljava.pgxs.ScriptingMojo
Executes the javascript code inside script tag inside plugin configuration.
executeReport(Locale) - Method in class org.postgresql.pljava.pgxs.ReportScriptingMojo
executeReport(ReportScriptingMojo, Locale) - Method in interface org.postgresql.pljava.pgxs.ReportScript


formatDefines(Map<String, String>) - Method in class org.postgresql.pljava.pgxs.AbstractPGXS
Returns a list with all defines prefixed correctly.
formatIncludes(List<String>) - Method in class org.postgresql.pljava.pgxs.AbstractPGXS
Returns a list with all items prefixed with correct include flag symbol.
forWindowsCRuntime(ProcessBuilder) - Method in class org.postgresql.pljava.pgxs.PGXSUtils
Adjust the command arguments of a ProcessBuilder so that they will be recovered correctly on Windows by a target C/C++ program using the argument parsing algorithm of the usual C run-time code, when it is known that the command will not be handled first by cmd.


getCategoryName() - Method in class org.postgresql.pljava.pgxs.ReportScriptingMojo
Returns the category name of this report, used by Maven to display the report under the correct in index.html.
getCategoryName(ReportScriptingMojo) - Method in interface org.postgresql.pljava.pgxs.ReportScript
getDescription(Locale) - Method in class org.postgresql.pljava.pgxs.ReportScriptingMojo
Returns the description of this report, used by Maven to display report description in index.html.
getDescription(ReportScriptingMojo, Locale) - Method in interface org.postgresql.pljava.pgxs.ReportScript
getFileForOutput(JavaFileManager.Location, String, String, FileObject) - Method in class org.postgresql.pljava.pgxs.RelativizingFileManager
Overridden to return the superclass result unchanged unless the requested file is of kind HTML, and in that case to return a file object that will interpose on the OutputStream and apply the rewriting.
getFilesWithExtension(Path, String) - Method in class org.postgresql.pljava.pgxs.PGXSUtils
Returns the list of files with given extension in the input directory.
getInputEncoding() - Method in class org.postgresql.pljava.pgxs.ReportScriptingMojo
getJavaFileObjects(File...) - Method in class org.postgresql.pljava.pgxs.RelativizingFileManager
getJavaFileObjects(String...) - Method in class org.postgresql.pljava.pgxs.RelativizingFileManager
getJavaFileObjects(Path...) - Method in class org.postgresql.pljava.pgxs.RelativizingFileManager
getJavaFileObjectsFromFiles(Iterable<? extends File>) - Method in class org.postgresql.pljava.pgxs.RelativizingFileManager
getJavaFileObjectsFromPaths(Iterable<? extends Path>) - Method in class org.postgresql.pljava.pgxs.RelativizingFileManager
getJavaFileObjectsFromPaths(Collection<? extends Path>) - Method in class org.postgresql.pljava.pgxs.RelativizingFileManager
getJavaFileObjectsFromStrings(Iterable<String>) - Method in class org.postgresql.pljava.pgxs.RelativizingFileManager
getLocation(JavaFileManager.Location) - Method in class org.postgresql.pljava.pgxs.RelativizingFileManager
getLocationAsPaths(JavaFileManager.Location) - Method in class org.postgresql.pljava.pgxs.RelativizingFileManager
getName(Locale) - Method in class org.postgresql.pljava.pgxs.ReportScriptingMojo
Returns the name of this report used by Maven for displaying in index.html.
getName(ReportScriptingMojo, Locale) - Method in interface org.postgresql.pljava.pgxs.ReportScript
getOutputEncoding() - Method in class org.postgresql.pljava.pgxs.ReportScriptingMojo
getOutputName() - Method in class org.postgresql.pljava.pgxs.ReportScriptingMojo
Returns the path relative to the target site directory of the this report.
getOutputName(ReportScriptingMojo) - Method in interface org.postgresql.pljava.pgxs.ReportScript
getPgConfigProperty(String) - Method in class org.postgresql.pljava.pgxs.ScriptingMojo
Returns the value of a pg_config property.
getPgConfigProperty(String, String) - Method in class org.postgresql.pljava.pgxs.PGXSUtils
Returns the output, decoded using default platform charset, of the input command executed with the input argument.
getPgConfigPropertyAsList(String) - Method in class org.postgresql.pljava.pgxs.AbstractPGXS
Returns the input pg_config property as a list of individual flags split at whitespace, except when quoted, and the quotes removed.
getProject() - Method in class org.postgresql.pljava.pgxs.ReportScriptingMojo
GoalScript - Interface in org.postgresql.pljava.pgxs
Enables obtaining an interface from the script using Invocable in order to correctly handle errors.


handleFirstOptions(Iterable<String>) - Method in class org.postgresql.pljava.pgxs.RelativizingFileManager
Call handleOption on as many of the first supplied options as the file manager recognizes.


isExternalReport() - Method in class org.postgresql.pljava.pgxs.ReportScriptingMojo
Returns false if this report will produce output through a supplied Sink, true if it is 'external', producing its output some other way.
isExternalReport(ReportScriptingMojo) - Method in interface org.postgresql.pljava.pgxs.ReportScript
isProfileActive(String) - Method in class org.postgresql.pljava.pgxs.PGXSUtils
Returns true if the profile with given name exists and is active, false otherwise.


link(String, List<String>, List<String>, Path) - Method in class org.postgresql.pljava.pgxs.AbstractPGXS
Add instructions for linking and producing the pljava-so shared library artifact on your platform by implementing this method in your configuration block.


org.postgresql.pljava.pgxs - package org.postgresql.pljava.pgxs
The PL/Java PGXS package provides the necessary maven plugin goals to build the PL/Java Native C code.


PGXSUtils - Class in org.postgresql.pljava.pgxs
Utility methods to simplify and hide the bland implementation details for writing JavaScript snippets.
PGXSUtils(MavenProject, Log) - Constructor for class org.postgresql.pljava.pgxs.PGXSUtils
processBuilder(Consumer<List<String>>) - Method in class org.postgresql.pljava.pgxs.PGXSUtils
Returns a ProcessBuilder with suitable defaults and arguments added from input function.


quoteStringForC(String) - Method in class org.postgresql.pljava.pgxs.PGXSUtils
Returns the input wrapped in double quotes and with internal characters escaped where appropriate using the C conventions.


RelativizingFileManager - Class in org.postgresql.pljava.pgxs
A ForwardingJavaFileManager that interposes when asked for an output file of type HTML, and rewrites href URLs that contain RELDOTS as a component.
RelativizingFileManager(StandardJavaFileManager, Charset) - Constructor for class org.postgresql.pljava.pgxs.RelativizingFileManager
Construct a RelativizingFileManager, given the underlying file manager from DocumentationTool.getStandardFileManager(javax.tools.DiagnosticListener<? super javax.tools.JavaFileObject>, java.util.Locale, java.nio.charset.Charset), and the output encoding to be used.
ReportScript - Interface in org.postgresql.pljava.pgxs
Provides reasonable defaults and other required methods for using JavaScript to during Site lifecycle phase to configure a MavenReport.
ReportScriptingMojo - Class in org.postgresql.pljava.pgxs
Maven plugin goal to use JavaScript for configuring MavenReport during the LifecyclePhase.SITE.
ReportScriptingMojo() - Constructor for class org.postgresql.pljava.pgxs.ReportScriptingMojo
runCommand(ProcessBuilder) - Method in class org.postgresql.pljava.pgxs.PGXSUtils
Executes a ProcessBuilder and returns the exit code of the process.


script - Variable in class org.postgresql.pljava.pgxs.ReportScriptingMojo
The script to be used to produce the report, in the scripting language identified by its mimetype or engine attribute.
ScriptingMojo - Class in org.postgresql.pljava.pgxs
Maven plugin goal to use JavaScript during any of build lifecycle phases.
ScriptingMojo() - Constructor for class org.postgresql.pljava.pgxs.ScriptingMojo
setLocation(JavaFileManager.Location, Iterable<? extends File>) - Method in class org.postgresql.pljava.pgxs.RelativizingFileManager
setLocationForModule(JavaFileManager.Location, String, Collection<? extends Path>) - Method in class org.postgresql.pljava.pgxs.RelativizingFileManager
setLocationFromPaths(JavaFileManager.Location, Collection<? extends Path>) - Method in class org.postgresql.pljava.pgxs.RelativizingFileManager
setPathFactory(StandardJavaFileManager.PathFactory) - Method in class org.postgresql.pljava.pgxs.RelativizingFileManager
setProjectProperty(String, String) - Method in class org.postgresql.pljava.pgxs.ScriptingMojo
Sets the value of a property for the current project.
shouldPlaceOnModulepath(String) - Method in class org.postgresql.pljava.pgxs.PGXSUtils
Returns true if the element should be placed on the module path.
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