Class MarkableSequenceReader

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Closeable, AutoCloseable, Readable

    public class MarkableSequenceReader
    extends Reader
    Like a MarkableSequenceInputStream but for characters.

    This class implements mark and reset by calling the corresponding methods on the underlying readers; it does not add buffering or have any means of providing mark and reset support if the underlying readers do not.

    As with SequenceInputStream, each underlying reader, when completely read and no longer needed, is closed to free resources. This instance itself will remain in "open at EOF" condition until explicitly closed, but does not prevent reclamation of the underlying readers.

    Unlike SequenceInputStream, this class can keep underlying readers open, after fully reading them, if a mark has been set, so that reset will be possible. When a mark is no longer needed, it can be canceled (by calling mark with a readlimit of 0) to again allow the underlying readers to be reclaimed as soon as possible.

    • Constructor Detail

      • MarkableSequenceReader

        public MarkableSequenceReader​(Reader... streams)
        Create a MarkableSequenceReader from one or more existing readers.
        streams - Sequence of Readers that will be read from in order.
        NullPointerException - if streams is null, or contains null for any stream.
    • Method Detail

      • mark

        public void mark​(int readlimit)
                  throws IOException
        Marks the current position in this reader. In this implementation, it is possible to 'cancel' a mark, by passing this method a readlimit of zero, returning the reader immediately to the state of having no mark.
        mark in class Reader
      • markSupported

        public boolean markSupported()
        Tests if this reader supports the mark and reset methods.

        For any instance of this class, the result is determined by the first call to this method, and does not change thereafter. At the first call, the result is determined only by the underlying readers remaining to be read (or, if a mark has been set, which is possible before checking this method, then by the underlying readers including and following the one that was current when the mark was set). The result will be true unless any of those underlying readers reports it as false.

        markSupported in class Reader