Uses of Package

The PL/Java API for use in writing database procedures, functions, and types using PL/Java.
Types that will be of interest in the implementation of Adapters.
Interfaces that model a useful subset of the PostgreSQL system catalogs and related PostgreSQL abstractions for convenient Java access.
  • Class
    A class dedicated to manipulating the types of multidimensional Java arrays, and their instances, that conform to PostgreSQL array constraints (non-'jagged', each dimension's arrays all equal size, no intermediate nulls).
    Accessor for a Datum located, at some offset, in memory represented by a <B> object.
    Methods that have variants on twos-complement Java types that might be signed or unsigned.
    Mixin with default signed implementations of the interface methods.
    Mixin with default unsigned implementations of the interface methods.
  • Class
    A class recording the bindings made in a ParameterizedType to the type parameters in a GenericDeclaration<Class>.
    A class dedicated to manipulating the types of multidimensional Java arrays, and their instances, that conform to PostgreSQL array constraints (non-'jagged', each dimension's arrays all equal size, no intermediate nulls).
    Represents a MultiArray for which sizes for its dimensions have been specified, so that an instance can be allocated.
    Wraps an existing instance of the multiarray type in question.
    Raw access to the contents of a PostgreSQL datum.
    Interface through which PL/Java code reads the content of an existing PostgreSQL datum.
    Empty superinterface of Accessor.Deformed and Accessor.Heap, which are erased at run time but help distinguish, in source code, which memory layout convention an Accessor is tailored for.
    Methods that have variants on twos-complement Java types that might be signed or unsigned.
    A Verifier verifies the proper form of content written to a Datum.
    A verifier interface to be used when the ByteBuffer API provides the most natural interface for manipulating the content.
    A verifier interface to be used when the InputStream API provides the most natural interface for manipulating the content.
  • Class
    Interface through which PL/Java code reads the content of an existing PostgreSQL datum.