Interface SPIReadOnlyControl

All Known Implementing Classes:
SPIPreparedStatement, SPIStatement

public interface SPIReadOnlyControl
An extended interface on Statement (accessible with unwrap()) allowing control of the read_only flag that PostgreSQL SPI will see when the statement is next executed.

Currently an internal interface, not in pljava-api, as the known need so far is just for the internal class loader.

  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Specify that the statement, when next executed, will have have read_only set to false unconditionally.
    Specify that the statement, when next executed, will have the behavior recommended in the PostgreSQL SPI documentation: read_only will be set to true if the currently-executing PL/Java function is declared IMMUTABLE, false otherwise.
    Specify that the statement, when next executed, will have have read_only set to true unconditionally.
  • Method Details

    • defaultReadOnly

      void defaultReadOnly()
      Specify that the statement, when next executed, will have the behavior recommended in the PostgreSQL SPI documentation: read_only will be set to true if the currently-executing PL/Java function is declared IMMUTABLE, false otherwise.
    • forceReadOnly

      void forceReadOnly()
      Specify that the statement, when next executed, will have have read_only set to true unconditionally.
    • clearReadOnly

      void clearReadOnly()
      Specify that the statement, when next executed, will have have read_only set to false unconditionally.