Optionally-built example code for XML processing with Saxon

In the source directory org/postgresql/pljava/example/saxon is example code for XML processing functions similar to XMLCAST, XMLEXISTS, XMLQUERY, and XMLTABLE, but using the XQuery language as the SQL/XML standard actually specifies (in contrast to similar functions built into PostgreSQL, which support only XPath, and XPath 1.0, at that).

The example also implements the four new string functions and one predicate added in SQL:2006 for regular expression processing using the standardized XQuery regular expression syntax: LIKE_REGEX, OCCURRENCES_REGEX, POSITION_REGEX, SUBSTRING_REGEX, and TRANSLATE_REGEX.

There is also, for completeness, an implementation of XMLTEXT, which is trivial and does not require an XQuery library at all, but is missing from core PostgreSQL and easy to implement here.

This code is not built by default, because it pulls in the sizeable Saxon-HE library from Saxonica.

To include these optional functions when building the examples, add -Psaxon-examples to the mvn command line.

The functions are presented as examples, not as a full implementation; for one thing, there is no test suite included to verify their conformance. Nevertheless, they are intended to be substantially usable subject to the limits described here, and testing and reports of shortcomings are welcome.

In addition to the open-source and freely-licensed Saxon-HE, the Saxon library is available in two paid editions, which implement more of the features of XQuery 3.1 than Saxon-HE does. It should be possible to drop either of those jar files in place of Saxon-HE (with a working license key) if features are needed beyond what Saxon-HE provides. Its developers publish a matrix identifying the features provided in each edition.

Extension to ISO SQL/XML

Wherever ISO SQL/XML requires one of these functions to accept an XQuery expression, in fact an XQuery main module will be accepted. Therefore, a query can be preceded by a prolog that declares namespaces, options, local variables and functions, etc. This may simplify porting queries from Oracle, which permits the same extension.

Using the Saxon examples

The simplest installation method is to use sqlj.install_jar twice, once to install (perhaps with the name saxon) the Saxon-HE jar that Maven will have downloaded during the build, and once to install the PL/Java examples jar in the usual way (perhaps with the name examples and with deploy => true). The Saxon jar will be found in your Maven repository (likely ~/.m2/repository/ unless you have directed it elsewhere) below the path net/sf/saxon.

The function sqlj.set_classpath is used to make installed jars available. After installing the Saxon jar, if you installed it with the name saxon, add it to the class path:

SELECT sqlj.set_classpath('public', 'saxon');

This must be done before installing the examples jar, so that its dependencies on Saxon can be resolved.

After both jars are installed, make sure they are both on the classpath. If the examples jar was installed with the name examples:

SELECT sqlj.set_classpath('public', 'examples:saxon');

Note: an alternative, shorter procedure is to use SET check_function_bodies TO off; before loading the examples jar. With the checking turned off, the jar can be installed even if the Saxon jar has not been installed yet, or has not been added to the class path, so the order of steps is less critical. Naturally, the example functions that use Saxon will not work until it has been installed and added to the class path. SET check_function_bodies TO off; simply arranges that missing dependency errors will be reported later when the functions are used, rather than when they are created.

Calling XML functions without SQL syntactic sugar

The XML querying and XMLTABLE functions built into PostgreSQL get special treatment from the SQL parser to give them syntax that is more SQLish than an ordinary function call.

The functions provided here have to work as ordinary SQL user-defined functions, so calls to them can look a bit more verbose when written out in SQL, but in a way that can be recognized as a straightforward rewriting of the SQLish standard syntax.

For example, suppose there is a table catalog_as_xml with a single row whose x column is a (respectably sized) XML document recording the stuff in pg_catalog. It could be created like this:

CREATE TABLE catalog_as_xml(x) AS
  SELECT schema_to_xml('pg_catalog', false, true, '');

An XMLQUERY-like function

In the syntax of the SQL/XML standard, here is a query that would return an XML element representing the declaration of the function with the name numeric_avg (if PostgreSQL really had the standard XMLQUERY function built in):

SELECT XMLQUERY('/pg_catalog/pg_proc[proname eq $FUNCNAME]'
                PASSING BY VALUE x, 'numeric_avg' AS FUNCNAME
FROM catalog_as_xml;

It binds the ‘context item’ of the query to x, and the FUNCNAME parameter to the given value, then evaluates the query and returns XML “CONTENT” (a tree structure with a document node at the root, but not necessarily meeting all the requirements of an XML “DOCUMENT”). It can be rewritten as this call to the xq_ret_content method provided here:

SELECT javatest.xq_ret_content('/pg_catalog/pg_proc[proname eq $FUNCNAME]',
                               PASSING => p, nullOnEmpty => false)
FROM catalog_as_xml,
LATERAL (SELECT x AS ".", 'numeric_avg' AS "FUNCNAME") AS p;

In the rewritten form, the type of value returned is determined by which function is called, and the parameters to pass to the query are moved out to a separate SELECT that supplies their values, types, and names (with the context item now given the name “.”) and is passed by its alias into the query function.

An alert reader may notice that the example above includes a named parameter, FUNCNAME, and it is spelled in uppercase in the XQuery expression that uses it, and is spelled in uppercase and quoted in the sub-SELECT that supplies it. The reason is an unconditional toUppercase() in PL/Java's internal JDBC driver, which is not anything the JDBC standard requires, but has been there in PL/Java since 2005. For now, therefore, no matter how a parameter name is spelled in the sub-SELECT, it must appear in uppercase in the XQuery expression using it, or it will not be recognized. A future PL/Java release is highly likely to stop forcibly uppercasing the names. At that time, any code relying on the uppercasing will break. Therefore, it is wisest, until then, to call this function with all parameter names spelled in uppercase both in the SQL and in the XQuery text, and on the SQL side that requires quoting the name to avoid the conventional lowercasing done by PostgreSQL.

In the standard, parameters and results (of XML types) can be passed BY VALUE or BY REF, where the latter means that the same nodes will retain their XQuery node identities over calls (note that this is a meaning unrelated to what “by value” and “by reference” usually mean in PostgreSQL's documentation). PostgreSQL's implementation of the XML type provides no way for BY REF semantics to be implemented, so everything happening here happens BY VALUE implicitly, and does not need to be specified.

An XMLEXISTS-like predicate

In the syntax of the SQL/XML standard, here is a query that would return a boolean result indicating whether an SQL function named numeric_avg is declared (if PostgreSQL really had the standard XMLEXISTS function built in):

SELECT XMLEXISTS('/pg_catalog/pg_proc[proname eq $FUNCNAME]'
                 PASSING BY VALUE x, 'numeric_avg' AS FUNCNAME)
FROM catalog_as_xml;

It can be rewritten as this call to the xmlexists method provided here:

SELECT "xmlexists"('/pg_catalog/pg_proc[proname eq $FUNCNAME]',
                   PASSING => p)
FROM catalog_as_xml,
LATERAL (SELECT x AS ".", 'numeric_avg' AS "FUNCNAME") AS p;

As for the XMLQUERY-like function above, , the context item and a parameter are supplied by a separate query producing the row p that is given as the PASSING argument to "xmlexists". The parameter name is capitalized for the reasons explained above for the XMLQUERY-like function.

An XMLTABLE-like function

The function xmltable here implements (much of) the standard function of the same name. Because it is the same name, it has to be either schema-qualified or double-quoted in a call to avoid confusion with the reserved word. A rewritten form of the first example in the PostgreSQL manual could be:

SELECT xmltable.*

  LATERAL (SELECT data AS ".", 'not specified'::text AS "DPREMIER") AS p,

  "xmltable"('//ROWS/ROW', PASSING => p, COLUMNS => ARRAY[
   'data(@id)', null, 'COUNTRY_NAME',
   'COUNTRY_ID', 'SIZE[@unit eq "sq_km"]',
   'concat(SIZE[@unit ne "sq_km"], " ", SIZE[@unit ne "sq_km"]/@unit)',
   'let $e := PREMIER_NAME
    return if ( empty($e) ) then $DPREMIER else $e'
  ]) AS (
   id int, ordinality int, "COUNTRY_NAME" text, country_id text,
   size_sq_km float, size_other text, premier_name text

Again, the context item and a parameter (here the desired default value for PREMIER, passed in as the parameter DPREMIER) are supplied by a separate query producing the row p that is given as "xmltable"'s PASSING argument. The result column names and types are now specified in the AS list following the function call, and the column XML Query expressions are supplied as the COLUMNS array. The array must have length equal to the result column AS list (there is no defaulting an omitted column expression to an element test using the column's name, as there is in the standard function). The array is allowed to have one null element, marking that column FOR ORDINALITY.

The parameter being passed into the XQuery expressions here, DPREMIER, is spelled in uppercase (and, on the SQL side, quoted), for the reasons explained above for the XMLQUERY-like function.

In the first column expression, @id is wrapped in data() to return the value of the attribute, as @id by itself would be a bare XML attribute node, outside of any XML element. Many implementations (including the XPath-based pseudo-XMLTABLE built in to PostgreSQL) will allow a bare attribute node in a column expression result, and assume the attribute's value is wanted, but a strict interpretation of the spec appears to require raising err:XPTY0004 in that case. So, just use data() to wrap any attribute node being returned in a column expression.

More on that issue and the spec can be found at “About bare attribute nodes” in the code comments.

An XMLCAST-like function

The ISO SQL XMLCAST is used to convert XML content into a value of an SQL data type, or an SQL value to an XML value, following the same precisely-specified conversion rules that are used for the parameters and results of the XMLQUERY and XMLTABLE functions. It can also convert from one XML type to another, though in PostgreSQL, which has just one XML type, the conversion is trivial. In a DBMS with support for the full set of XML types such as XML(CONTENT), XML(DOCUMENT), and XML(SEQUENCE), the rules for casting one to another are more interesting.

This ordinary-function implementation of XMLCAST is used by rewriting an SQL standard form like

SELECT XMLCAST(value AS wantedtype)

into a form like

SELECT result FROM (select value) as v, "xmlcast"(v) AS (result wantedtype)

where either: value is of xml type, wantedtype is xml, or both; in other words, the only case XMLCAST does not handle is where neither the input nor result is of xml type. Because casting XML to XML is not exciting in PostgreSQL, the most useful cases are XML to another SQL type, or the reverse.

The ISO SQL XQuery regular expression features

The SQL standard specifies a string predicate, LIKE_REGEX, for testing a string against an XQuery regular expression (an extension of XML Schema regular expression syntax), and four string functions also based on XQuery regular expressions: OCCURRENCES_REGEX, POSITION_REGEX, SUBSTRING_REGEX, and TRANSLATE_REGEX.

The “flags” parameter to any of these can include any of the XQuery regular expression flags s, m, i, x, and q.

As with the XMLQUERY and XMLTABLE functions, some straightforward rewriting is needed from the SQL-standard syntax into calls of these ordinary functions.

In the current implementation, all of these functions recognize newlines in the way specified by XQuery, not the modified way specified for ISO SQL, as further explained below after the function descriptions. To leave a clear path to a full implementation, these versions all accept an additional parameter w3cNewlines, which must always be present, for now, as w3cNewlines => true. Specifying false, or omitting this parameter, will mean the ISO SQL newline treatment is wanted, and will be rejected as an unsupported feature in this implementation.

To avoid clutter, the w3cNewlines => true is not shown in the examples below.


A predicate that is true if a string matches the regular expression. The standard syntaxes

value LIKE_REGEX pattern
value LIKE_REGEX pattern FLAG flags

can be rewritten to

like_regex(value, pattern)
like_regex(value, pattern, flags)
like_regex(value, pattern, flag => flags)

A function to count the occurrences of a pattern in a string. The count can start from a specific position in the string (the first character has position 1), and the position can be counted using Unicode characters, or using octets of the string's encoded form. For now, only USING CHARACTERS is implemented, which can be indicated by passing usingOctets => false or simply omitting it, as false is the default. Standard syntax examples like

OCCURRENCES_REGEX(pattern FLAG flags IN str)

can be rewritten to

occurrences_regex(pattern, str)
occurrences_regex(pattern, flag => flags, "in" => str)
occurrences_regex(pattern, str, "from" => position)

A function to return the position of a regular expression match in a string, which can optionally return the position of a specific occurrence of the match (the first, if not specified), or of a particular capturing group within the desired match. The position reported can be of the first character of the match of interest (START), or of the first character following the match (AFTER). As for OCCURRENCES_REGEX, all positions can be expressed USING CHARACTERS or USING OCTETS, but only the default USING CHARACTERS is implemented here.

Standard syntax examples like


can be rewritten to

position_regex(pattern, str)
position_regex(pattern, str, after => true)
position_regex(pattern, str, occurrence => n)
position_regex(pattern, str, occurrence => n, "group" => m)
position_regex(pattern, str, "from" => pos, occurrence => n, "group" => m)

The result is always relative to the start of the string, not the starting position. That is, POSITION_REGEX('d' IN 'abcdef' FROM 3) is 4, not 2.


Returns the substring that matched the regular expression, or a specific occurrence of the expression, or a specific capturing group within the desired occurrence. Standard syntax examples like

SUBSTRING_REGEX(pattern FLAG flags IN str)
SUBSTRING_REGEX(pattern IN str FROM position)

can be rewritten to

substring_regex(pattern, str)
substring_regex(pattern, flag => flags, "in" => str)
substring_regex(pattern, str, "from" => position)
substring_regex(pattern, str, occurrence => n, "group" => m)

Returns a string built from the input string by replacing one specified occurrence, or all occurrences, of a matching pattern. The replacement text can include $0 to include the entire substring that matched, or $n for n a digit 1 through 9, to include what matched a capturing group in the pattern. The default behavior of replacing all occurrences applies when occurrence is not specified.

Standard syntax examples like

TRANSLATE_REGEX(pattern IN str WITH repl)
TRANSLATE_REGEX(pattern FLAG flags IN str WITH repl)
TRANSLATE_REGEX(pattern IN str WITH repl FROM position)

can be rewritten to

translate_regex(pattern, str, "with" => repl)
translate_regex(pattern, str, "with" => repl, occurrence => n)
translate_regex(pattern, flag => flags, "in" => str, "with" => repl)
translate_regex(pattern, str, "with" => repl, "from" => position)
Recognition of newlines

A standard XQuery library provides regular expressions that follow the W3C XQuery rules for newline recognition, in which the ^ and $ anchors recognize only the LINE FEED character, U&'\000a', the . metacharacter in non-dotall mode matches anything other than a LINE FEED or CARRIAGE RETURN U&'\000d', the \s multicharacter escape matches only those two characters plus space and horizontal tab, and \S is the exact complement of \s.

The ISO SQL specification for these XQuery regular expression features contains a modification of those rules to conform instead to Unicode Technical Standard 18 rule 1.6, in which several more Unicode characters are recognized as line boundaries, plus the two-character sequence CARRIAGE RETURN LINE FEED (which counts only as one line boundary). The modified meaning of \S becomes “any single character that is not matched by a single character that matches” \s (emphasis added), leaving it no longer the exact complement of \s.

It is difficult to implement the ISO SQL behavior over a standard XQuery library, so this implementation, for now, does not do so. All of these functions implement the standard W3C XQuery behavior, which can be “requested” by passing w3cNewlines => true. Without w3cNewlines => true, the call will be interpreted as intending the ISO SQL behavior, and an SQLFeatureNotSupportedException (SQLSTATE 0A000) will be raised.

Nonstandard features

The Saxon XQuery library, implemented in Java, offers the ability to use Java regular expressions rather than XQuery ones, by passing a flag argument that ends with ;j (an invalid flag string per the XQuery spec). This should not be used in code that intends to be standards-conformant or to run on another DBMS or XQuery library, but can be useful in some cases for features that Java regular expressions offer (such as lookahead and lookbehind predicates) that XQuery regular expressions do not.

Java regular expressions and empty-match replacements

This example implementation of TRANSLATE_REGEX will detect when a Java expression rather than an XQuery one is being used, and will then permit replacement of a zero-length match, rather than raising error 2201U as the standard requires. As Java regular expressions include zero-width lookahead and lookbehind operators, a Java regex can usefully locate zero-width sites for replacements to be applied.

There are still subtleties involved. A site that is identified by negative lookahead or lookbehind operators ((?!) and (?<!)) will be replaced as expected, but if the positive forms were used ((?=) and (?<=)), the replacement will not occur. This example might be expected to insert ! for the empty string between o and b, but does not:

SELECT translate_regex('(?<=o)(?=b)', 'foobar', "with" => '!',
                       flag => ';j', w3cNewlines => true);

The reason is that the specification of TRANSLATE_REGEX is as if the matched substring, here an empty string, is matched again in isolation against the original regex to do the replacement, and that empty string no longer has the o and b that the original lookbehind and lookahead matched. It can be made to work by adding an alternative that matches a truly empty string (\A\z in Java syntax):

SELECT translate_regex('(?<=o)(?=b)|\A\z', 'foobar', "with" => '!',
                       flag => ';j', w3cNewlines => true);

That workaround would also cause the replacement to happen if the input string is completely empty to start with, which might not be what's wanted.

Minimizing startup time

Saxon is a large library, and benefits greatly from precompilation into a memory-mappable persistent cache, using the application class data sharing feature in Oracle Java or in OpenJDK with Hotspot, or the class sharing feature in OpenJDK with OpenJ9.

The OpenJ9 feature is simpler to set up. Because it can cache classes straight from PL/Java installed jars, the setup can be done exactly as described above, and the OpenJ9 class sharing, if enabled, will just work. OpenJ9 class-sharing setup instructions are here.

The Hotspot AppCDS feature is more work to set up, and can only cache classes on the JVM system classpath, so the Saxon jar would have to be installed on the filesystem and named in pljava.classpath instead of simply installing it in PL/Java. It also needs to be stripped of its jarsigner metadata, which the Hotspot AppCDS can't handle. Hotspot AppCDS setup general instructions are here, and specific details for setting up this example for AppCDS can be found on the performance-tuning wiki page in the section devoted to it.

A comparison shown on that performance-tuning page appears to give Hotspot a significant advantage for a Saxon-heavy workload, so the more complex Hotspot setup may remain worthwhile as long as that comparison holds.

The AppCDS feature in Oracle Java is still (when last checked) a commercial feature, not to be used in production without a specific license from Oracle. OpenJDK, as of Java 10, ships Hotspot with the same feature included, without the encumbrance.