Building for debugging or with optimization

Some options can be given on the mvn command line to control whether debugging information is included in the built files, or omitted to save space at the cost of making use of a debugger less practical. It is also possible to tailor how aggressively the C compiler will optimize the native-code portion of PL/Java.

Debugging information in the Java portion of PL/Java

-Dmaven.compiler.debug= with a value of true or false can be given on the mvn command line. If true, debugging information is included so a runtime debugger (jdb, Eclipse, etc.) can see local variables, source lines, etc. The default is true.

Debugging information in the native portion of PL/Java

-Dso.debug= with a value of true or false on the mvn command line will control whether debugging information is included in PL/Java's native code shared object. This is most useful when developing PL/Java itself, or, perhaps, troubleshooting a low-level issue. The default is false.

Although it is not required, debugging of PL/Java's native code can be more comfortable when the PostgreSQL server in use was also configured and built with --enable-debug.

Compiler optimization in the native portion of PL/Java

PL/Java used to support a -Dso.optimize option earlier. However, it is not yet implemented in the current build system. Following is the description of how the option worked when it was supported.

-Dso.optimize= can be given on the mvn command line, with a value chosen from none, size, speed, minimal, full, aggressive, extreme, or unsafe. Depending on the compiler, these settings may not all be distinct optimization levels. The default is none.

Because none has long been the default, PL/Java has not seen extensive testing at higher optimization levels, which should, therefore, be considered experimental. Before reporting an issue, please make sure it is reproducible with no optimization.