Building PL/Java

For the impatient:

mvn  clean  install

PL/Java is built using Apache Maven. The above command will build it and produce the files you need, but not install them into PostgreSQL. To do that, continue with the installation instructions.

In case of build difficulties:

There is a “troubleshooting the build” section at the end of this page.

Software Prerequisites

  1. You need the C compiling and linking tools for your platform. On many platforms that means gcc and g++, and your normal search path should include them, which you can test with

     g++  --version

    at the command line, which should tell you the version you have installed.

  2. The Java Development Kit (not just the Java Runtime Environment) version that you plan to use should be installed, also ideally in your search path so that

     javac  -version

    just works. PL/Java can be built with Oracle Java or OpenJDK, the latter with either the Hotspot or the OpenJ9 JVM, or with GraalVM. It is not necessary to use the same JDK to build PL/Java that will later be used to run it in the database, and PL/Java applications can generally take advantage of recent features in whatever Java version is used at run time. (See more on version compatibility.)

  3. The PostgreSQL server version that you intend to use should be installed, and on your search path so that the command



  4. Development files (mostly .h files) for that PostgreSQL version must also be installed. To check, look in the output of that pg_config command for an INCLUDEDIR-SERVER line, and list the directory it refers to. There should be a bunch of *.h files there. If not, you probably installed PostgreSQL from a packaged distribution, and there is probably another package with a similar name but a suffix like -devel that needs to be installed to provide the .h files.

  5. Naturally, Maven needs to be installed. When it properly is,

     mvn --version

    succeeds. It reports not only the version of Maven, but the version of Java that Maven has found and is using, which must be a Java version supported for building PL/Java (see more on version compatibility). If Maven is not finding and using the intended Java version, the environment variable JAVA_HOME can be set to point to the desired Java installation, and mvn --version should then confirm that the Java being found is the one intended.

If you have more than one version installed of PostgreSQL, Java, or the compile/link tools, make sure the ones found on your search path are the ones you plan to use, and the version-test commands above give the output you expect.

Special topics

Please review any of the following that apply to your situation:

Obtaining PL/Java sources

Sources for a specific release

Obtain source for a specific PL/Java release from the Releases page on GitHub, archived in your choice of zip or tar.gz format.

If you have git, you can also obtain specific-release source by cloning the repository and checking out the tag that identifies the release.

Current development sources

The best way to obtain up-to-date development PL/Java sources is to have git installed and clone the PL/Java GitHub repository, using either of these commands:

git clone
git clone ssh://

The second only works if you have a GitHub account, but has the advantage of being faster if you do git pull later on to stay in sync with updated sources.

From a clone, you can also build specific released versions, by first using git checkout with the tag that identifies the release.

Building from unreleased, development sources will be of most interest when hacking on PL/Java itself. The GitHub “Branches” page can be used to see which branch has had the most recent development activity (this will not always be the branch named master; periods of development can be focused on the branch corresponding to current releases).

The build

To start the build, your current directory should be the one the sources were checked out into. Looking around, there should be a pom.xml file there, and several subdirectories pljava, pljava-api, pljava-so, etc.

A successful mvn clean install should produce output like this near the end:

[INFO] PostgreSQL PL/Java ................................ SUCCESS
[INFO] PL/Java API ....................................... SUCCESS
[INFO] PL/Java backend Java code ......................... SUCCESS
[INFO] PL/Java backend native code ....................... SUCCESS
[INFO] PL/Java Deploy .................................... SUCCESS
[INFO] PL/Java Ant tasks ................................. SUCCESS
[INFO] PL/Java examples .................................. SUCCESS
[INFO] PL/Java packaging ................................. SUCCESS

(the real output will include timings on each line). You will then be ready to try out PL/Java in PostgreSQL.

PostgreSQL version to build against

If several versions of PostgreSQL are installed on the build host, select the one to be built for by adding the full path of its pg_config executable with -Dpgsql.pgconfig= on the mvn command line.

I know PostgreSQL and PGXS. Explain Maven!

Maven is a widely used tool for building and maintaining projects in Java. The pom.xml file contains the information Maven needs not only for building the project, but obtaining its dependencies and generating reports and documentation (including the web site you see here).

If this is your first use of Maven, your first mvn clean install command will do a lot of downloading, obtaining all of PL/Java's dependencies as declared in its pom.xml files, and those dependencies' dependencies, etc. Most of the dependencies are the various Maven plugins used in the build, and the libraries they depend on.

Maven will create a local “maven repository” to store what it downloads, so your later mvn commands will complete much faster, with no downloading or only a few artifacts downloaded if versions have updated.

With default settings, Maven will create this local repository under your home directory. It will grow to contain artifacts you have built with Maven and all the artifacts downloaded as dependencies, which can be a large set, especially if you work on several different Maven-built projects requiring different versions of the same dependencies. (It may reach 50 MB after building only PL/Java.) If you would like Maven to create the local repository elsewhere, the <localRepository> element of your Maven settings can specify a path.

It is thinkable to place the repository on storage that is not backed up, as it contains nothing that cannot be redownloaded or rebuilt from your sources.

Why does mvn clean install not “install” PL/Java into PostgreSQL?

The Maven goal called install has a meaning specific to Maven: it does not set up your newly-built PL/Java as a language in PostgreSQL. (Neither does the deploy goal, if you are wondering.)

What Maven's install does is save the newly-built artifact into the local repository, so other Maven-built projects can list it as a dependency. That is useful for the pljava-api subproject, so you can then easily build your Java projects that use PL/Java.

To “install” your built PL/Java as a language in PostgreSQL, proceed to the installation instructions.

I know Java and Maven. Explain the PostgreSQL picture!

The process of downloading and building PL/Java with Maven will be familiar to you, but the step saving artifacts into the local repository with the install goal is only a first step; PostgreSQL itself is not Maven-aware and will not find them there. After the mvn clean install, just proceed to the installation instructions.

The pljava-api subproject does benefit from being saved in your local Maven repository; you can then declare it like any other Maven dependency when building your own projects that use PL/Java.

Troubleshooting the build

Note: in addition to this section, there is a build tips wiki page, which may be updated between releases of this document to collect tips for build issues that are commonly asked about.

Capture the output of mvn -X

The -X option will add a lot of information on the details of Maven's build activities.

mvn  -X  clean  install

Avoid capturing the first run of Maven

On the first run, Maven will produce a lot of output while downloading all of the dependencies needed to complete the build. It is better, if the build fails, to simply run Maven again and capture the output of that run, which will not include all of the downloading activity.

As an alternative, the flood of messages reflecting successful dependency downloads in a first run can be suppressed by adding this option on the mvn command line: