Passing of data types between PostgreSQL and Java

The wiki documentation for default type mapping gives a rather high-level view. That seems adequate for most uses (the archives are not full of “why on earth did PL/Java do that to my data type?” questions), but this page is meant to capture the steps in more detail.

Some preliminaries

The per-schema class path

One of the most significant differences between the ISO 9075-13 standard and what PL/Java actually does is in the area of finding and loading classes. In the standard, when a function is declared in SQL, its external Java reference string (corresponding to the AS clause in PostgreSQL) names the installed jar where the search for the class should begin. The standard also provides an SQLJ.ALTER_JAVA_PATH function that gives complete control, based on the jar where a search begins, of which other jars should be searched for dependencies.

By contrast, PL/Java (through and including 1.6) does not include the jar name in AS clauses, and provides an SQLJ.SET_CLASSPATH function that can set a distinct class path for any schema in the database. The schema public can also have a class path, which becomes the fallback for any search that is not resolved on another schema's class path.

The class named in an SQL function declaration's AS clause is looked up on the class path for the schema in which the function is declared, with the public schema as fallback.

The per-schema type map

When PL/Java is used to create user-defined types, there needs to be a way of associating the type name declared in SQL with the Java class that implements it. The most transparent case is a base type (written in PL/Java with the @BaseUDT annotation), which is completely integrated into PostgreSQL's type system and is usable from in or out of Java just like any other PostgreSQL type.

For the other flavors of user-defined type (described below), SQLJ.ADD_TYPE_MAPPING (a PL/Java function, not in the standard) must be called to record the connection between the new type's SQL name and the Java class that implements it. The @MappedUDT annotation generates a call to this function along with any other SQL commands declaring the type.

What it records is simply the SQL type name as a string, and the Java class name as a string, and these mappings apply database-wide. But internally, PL/Java maintains a type map per schema. Why? (Hint: while it is true that the SQL type names can be schema-qualified, that is not the answer.)

The reason is that the database-wide mappings are from SQL type names to Java class names, and the actual Java class found for a given name can depend on the per-schema class path.

Whenever the rules given below provide for applying the type map, they mean, for parameter and return value conversions done at the invocation of a PL/Java function, the type map for the schema in which the target function is declared and, at other times, the map for the schema in which the innermost executing PL/Java function on the call stack is declared.

Starting in PL/Java 1.6.3, a PL/Java function is entered with the current thread's context class loader set according to the schema where the function is declared, and therefore the rules for applying the type map just described can be simplified: the type map is the one maintained by the current context class loader, provided Java code has not changed the context loader from the initial setting. To date, the code actually obtaining the type map has not been changed to get it from the context class loader, so the type map would not be affected by Java code changing the context loader.

There are more details on the management of the context class loader.

PL/Java's object system implemented in C

In PL/Java, some behavior is implemented in Java using familiar Java objects, and some is implemented in C with an object-oriented approach using C structs that include and extend each other for ‘classes’ and their instances, forming a C object hierarchy that inherits ultimately from PgObject. Often there is a close relationship between a C ‘class’ and a Java class of the same name, with instances of one holding references to the other.


The type subdirectory in pljava-so contains the C sources for a class Type, which extends a TypeClass, which inherits from PgObject. A TypeClass is associated with a single Java (primitive or reference) type, and might have only a single Type that extends it, associated with a single PostgreSQL type. In that simple case, the singleton Type instance can be directly “registered” in the caches that are keyed by PostgreSQL type oid or by Java type, respectively, by the function Type_registerType.

Type obtainers

It is also possible that a single TypeClass can be extended by more than one Type, one for each of multiple PostgreSQL types. In that case, an alternate function Type_registerType2 will cache, not a single already-created Type instance, but a TypeObtainer function, which can be used to obtain a Type extending its associated TypeClass and bound to a specific PostgreSQL type.

An obtainer function should not allocate a brand new Type on every call, but return an existing Type if there already is one for the requested PostgreSQL type. If a TypeClass and its associated Java type can only sensibly map a small few PostgreSQL types, it could even be overkill for the obtainer to use a hash map or the like to remember the instances it has returned; it could simply have a few static variables to cache the few instances it will need, and return the right one after comparing its oid argument to a few constants.

The TypeClass for SQLXML works that way, with an obtainer that will only return a Type instance for PostgreSQL xml, or for PostgreSQL text (in case the Java caller wants to process a text value known to contain XML, or is being used in a PostgreSQL server that was built without the xml type).

An alternative to using an obtainer in that case would be for the initialization method of the TypeClass to simply create more than one Type right away, and register them all directly with Type_registerType, needing no obtainer function. An example is the TypeClass representing java.sql.Timestamp, which creates two Type instances and registers them immediately, one each for the PostgreSQL timestamp and timestamptz types, as both are mapped to this Java class by default.

Exceptional behavior of String

At the other extreme, the TypeClass for String provides an obtainer that will supply a Type for any PostgreSQL type it is asked to, and will rely on the PostgreSQL text input and output methods for that type to handle the conversion. This is how it is possible in PL/Java to request or supply a String whatever the underlying PostgreSQL type.

The obtainer for String, at present, does not do any bookkeeping to return one Type per PostgreSQL type oid it is called for. It simply allocates a new one on every call. That makes it an exception to the comment in Type.h specifying singleton behavior, but the exception is as ancient as the comment.

Obtainer vs. direct registration

In the more common case where a TypeClass will only sensibly have a few Type children, the choice to simply create and register those directly or to use a TypeObtainer can be influenced by a few considerations.

The TypeClass for java.sql.Timestamp directly registers its two children because it is the default mapping according to JDBC for both PostgreSQL types timestamp and timestamptz. The two Types are directly registered, keyed by those two type oids, and directly retrieved from the cache when a PostgreSQL value of either type has to be mapped.

In contrast, JDBC 4.2 introduced non-default mappings for both SQL types: a timestamp can map to a java.time.LocalDateTime, and a timestamptz can map to a java.time.OffsetDateTime, but only when the Java code explicitly requests. So, the TypeClass for LocalDateTime does not directly register a Type corresponding to SQL timestamp. It registers a type obtainer, which can only return a singleton Type for that exact SQL type, and does so when asked.

For the same reason, the TypeClass for SQLXML relies on an obtainer. Although an alternate mapping for the text type, it would normally be the default mapping for type xml according to JDBC 4, and would simply register that Type directly. However, PL/Java has long mapped the xml type to String by default, so for now (until a later, major release), it treats SQLXML as an alternative mapping Java code may explicitly use.

Lazy initialization

In the case of the new JDBC 4.2 date/time optional mappings, there is another reason for each new TypeClass to provide a TypeObtainer, even though each TypeObtainer will only support exactly one PostgreSQL type. The corresponding Java classes do not exist before Java 8, and PL/Java supports earlier releases, so it cannot unconditionally load those classes at initialization time. Each corresponding TypeClass defers that part of its initialization to the first call of its obtainer, which only happens if the Java code has referred to the class and therefore it's known to exist.

A side benefit of this approach is laziness in its own right: less class loading done at initialization before even knowing whether the classes will be needed. In future work, it may be possible to further reduce PL/Java's time-to-first-result by applying the technique more widely to types that use direct registration now.


When there is a registered default mapping from a PostgreSQL type to a Type a, and the Java type associated with that TypeClass is not the one used in the Java code, the Java type expected by the code will be looked up and resolved to a TypeClass, and from there by its type obtainer to a second Type b. The Type_canReplaceType method of b will be called, passing a. If it returns true, the Type b and its methods will be used instead of a to handle the coercions from PostgreSQL Datum to Java type and vice versa. Otherwise, PL/Java will seek a chain of PostgreSQL type coercions to bridge the gap.

The design is slightly awkward at present, because Type_canReplaceType is applied to two Types (or has one as receiver and one as argument, in the “C objects” view), so it has to be applied to the result, b, of the type obtainer, essentially to find out whether calling that obtainer was worth doing. A simpler design might result by changing its argument to a TypeClass.

In the current design, redundant checks are largely avoided by not expecting the type obtainer to do error reporting. If it supports more than one PostgreSQL type, it should use the PostgreSQL type oid that is passed to determine which Type instance to return. If the PostgreSQL oid is not one of those, it should simply return whichever Type instance represents its primary or most natural mapping. It does not need to report that the PostgreSQL oid is unsupported; it can leave that to its can-replace method. A corollary is that a type obtainer supporting exactly one PostgreSQL type may return its singleton Type instance unconditionally, ignoring its argument.


Each C Type has a method coerceDatum that takes a PostgreSQL Datum and produces the corresponding Java value, and a method coerceObject that does the reverse. There are also invoke* methods provided on Type. The convention is that the actual invocation of a function goes through the subclass of Type that represents the function's return type.

When type coercions can take place

SQL types can be converted to Java objects or the reverse in several different contexts.

Parameters and return values when calling a PL/Java function from SQL

These are the usual rules for converting function parameters from the types used in the function's SQL declaration to the types of the underlying Java method's signature, and the Java method's return type to the return type in the SQL declaration. They do not apply to the special cases where a composite type is passed or returned, which are seen by the Java code as JDBC result sets.

  1. A C Type subclass is looked up for the SQL type name declared for the parameter or return type, using the fixed mappings registered during PL/Java initialization (see calls to Type_registerType in the code).

  2. If this search has not produced a Type (after forming an array type where necessary, or replacing a domain with its base type), the type map is consulted, which may result in a new UDT subclass being registered that handles the conversion between a PostgreSQL Datum and the associated Java class.

  3. If the function's AS clause only names a method, without parameter or return type signatures, the Java types that correspond to the Type objects chosen at this stage are used to construct a signature for the Java method. The method to be used must have the given name and exact signature, or one replacing a primitive return type with its boxed form, or one with ResultSetProvider replaced with ResultSetHandle. Either the matching method is found at this step, or the call fails.

  4. If the function's AS clause includes Java types for the parameters and/or return type, they are compared (textually) to the signature that would have been generated. If they all match, the method is resolved in the same way as if the signature had not been included.

  5. For any Java type in the explicit method signature that differs from the the one that corresponds to the C Type subclass so far chosen, another C Type is looked up using the explicit Java type as the key. If that Type is usable in place of the one earlier chosen (as determined by the Type_canReplaceType method), it will be used. Otherwise, a Coerce type is generated according to PostgreSQL's find_coercion_pathway function, which uses all of PostgreSQL's configured type-casting rules to find a suitable conversion.

That final step is roughly equivalent to inserting an SQL CAST. However, two of PostgreSQL's possible casting strategies are not currently handled by PL/Java, namely array coercions, and coercions by going through the text output/input functions. Also, if the return type in the SQL declaration is a domain, constraints on the domain are not checked, allowing the function to return values of the base type that should not be possible in the domain. This is a bug.

A general rule, with one present exception

As the steps above reveal, for both directions of conversion, it is the PostgreSQL type that starts the algorithm off. The known mappings are used to find a prospective Java type from it, and then if the actual Java type appearing in the code is not the expected one, plans are adjusted accordingly.

This pattern is seen elsewhere in the ISO SQL standard, in Part 14 on XML-related specifications, which include how to convert values of SQL types to XML Schema data types and the reverse. Again, for both conversion directions, the algorithms begin with the SQL type, then adjust if the prospective mapped type is not the one expected.

Parameters supplied to a JDBC PreparedStatement from Java

The sole exception in PL/Java is the JDBC PreparedStatement, and only for the parameters supplied to the statement. Results from it are handled consistently with the general rule.

Ordinarily, when preparing a query that contains parameters, PostgreSQL's parsing and analysis will reach conclusions about what SQL types the parameters will need to have so that the query makes sense. JDBC presents those conclusions to the Java code through the getParameterMetaData method once the query has been prepared, so that the Java code can supply values of appropriate types, or necessary coercions can be done. The (client side) pgJDBC driver is able to implement getParameterMetaData because the PostgreSQL frontend-backend protocol allows for sending a query to prepare and having the server send back a ParameterDescription message with the needed type information.

For curious historical reasons, PostgreSQL has been able to supply remote clients with that ParameterDescription information since PG 7.4 came out in 2003, but a module loaded right inside the backend like PL/Java could not request the same information using SPI until PG 9.0 in 2010, and still not easily. By then, PL/Java had long been ‘faking’ ParameterMetaData in a way that reverses the usual type mapping pattern.

How ParameterMetaData gets faked

PL/Java, when creating a PreparedStatement, does not submit the query immediately to PostgreSQL for analysis. Instead, it initializes all of the parameter types to unknown, and allows the Java code to go ahead and call the set...() methods to supply values. Using the supplied Java types as starting points, it fills in the parameter types by following the usual mappings backward. If the Java code does, in fact, call getParameterMetaData, PL/Java returns the types determined that way for any parameters that have already been set, and (arbitrarily) VARCHAR for any that have not. Only when the Java code executes the statement the first time does PL/Java submit the query to PostgreSQL to prepare, passing along the type mappings assumed so far, and hoping PostgreSQL can make sense of it.

While getting the general rule wrong and differing from client-side pgJDBC, this is not completely unworkable, and has been PL/Java's behavior since 2004. Any resulting surprises can generally be resolved by some rewriting of the query or use of other PL/Java JDBC methods that more directly indicate the intended PostgreSQL types. Some small changes in PL/Java 1.5.1 may help in some cases. 1.5.1 also introduces TypeBridges, described later on this page.

A future major release of PL/Java should use the additions to PostgreSQL SPI and bring the treatment of PreparedStatement parameters into conformance with the general rule. (That release, therefore, will have to support PostgreSQL versions no earlier than 9.0.)

JDBC defines some setObject and setNull methods on PreparedStatement that must be passed a java.sql.Types constant. The JDBC constant will be mapped to a PostgreSQL type OID through a fixed mapping coded in Oid_forSqlType.

Values read or written through the JDBC ResultSet interface

This case includes not only results from SPI queries made in Java, but also composite function parameters or return values, and old and new tuples in triggers.

Although done in different places in the code (SPIResultSet, Tuple, HeapTupleHeader, TupleDesc), these also have the same behavior as the first two rules in the “parameters and return values” case. Again, see “additional JDBC coercions” below.

Values read or written through the JDBC SQLInput/SQLOutput interfaces

These are used in PL/Java's implementation of user-defined types. There are three distinct flavors of user-defined type that PL/Java can manage. Base types and composite types are established terms in PostgreSQL. Mirrored type is a term invented just now to denote that other thing PL/Java can do.

Base type a/k/a scalar type
A type declared with the no-AS form of CREATE TYPE, integrating into the PostgreSQL type system at the lowest level. The implementation controls its stored size and format and its text input and output syntax. The fact that the type is implemented in Java is transparent and it can be used from SQL like any other type. For access to the storage area, Java code is provided SQLInput and SQLOutput implementations that act as raw memory buffer accessors with methods to read and write common types of various widths. Created by a Java class with the @BaseUDT annotation.
Composite type
A type declared with the AS (list of named typed attributes) form of CREATE TYPE, which can then be associated with a Java class using SQLJ.ADD_TYPE_MAPPING. From outside of Java code, it can be manipulated like any PostgreSQL composite type, while to Java code it will be presented as an instance of the associated Java class—a new instance at every conversion, however. Java code is provided SQLInput and SQLOutput implementations that retrieve and set the typed attributes of the composite. Created by a Java class with the @MappedUDT annotation having a structure attribute.
Mirrored type
An existing PostgreSQL type that is outside of the standard SQL types that have pre-registered PL/Java Type mappings, but has been associated with a Java class through use of SQLJ.ADD_TYPE_MAPPING. The Java code is provided the same raw-memory-accessing SQLInput and SQLOutput implementations as for a base type, and the developer must understand and match the stored form of the existing type. This can be a brittle design to maintain. Because PL/Java consults the type map only if the first step of Type lookup fails, standard SQL types like integer cannot be mirrored this way. Created by a Java class with the @MappedUDT annotation having no structure attribute, and naming an existing PostgreSQL type.

Note: the presence of absence of a structure attribute in a @MappedUDT annotation only determines whether the SQL generator emits a CREATE TYPE declaring the structure, as well as the SQLJ.ADD_TYPE_MAPPING call (which is always emitted) to associate the class. The @MappedUDT annotation could also be used with no structure attribute and the name of an existing composite type, to associate that type with a Java class. This would act as a composite type (with SQLInput/SQLOutput working in typed-tuple mode), even though it could also be described as mirroring an existing type.

Base type Composite type Mirrored type
Annotate @BaseUDT @MappedUDT
Stored form Raw (Java controls) Tuple Native (Java must match)
SQLInput/SQLOutput mode Raw buffer Typed tuple Raw buffer

SQLInput/SQLOutput in typed tuple mode

In this mode, values read or written through this interface get the same treatment they would from a JDBC ResultSet, converted according to the first two rules set out above.

SQLInput/SQLOutput in raw memory access mode

In this mode, SQL-specific conversions are not performed, and many of the SQL-specific read... and write... methods are disabled (throwing an exception for unsupported operation), leaving mostly those for common Java types with familiar widths and formats. The wasNull method always returns false. The methods for Byte, Short, Int, and Long deal directly in 1, 2, 4, or 8-octet fields, as with the methods for other fixed-width types. The methods for variable-length fields (BigDecimal, BinaryStream, Bytes, CharacterStream, String, and URL) all share a 16-bit-length-prefixed format allowing up to 65535 bytes in the field.

Formats used by SQLInput/SQLOutput in raw mode. pfx is variable length with 2-octet count.
read/write... method acts on notes
Array unsupported
AsciiStream unsupported
BigDecimal pfx as via *String
BinaryStream pfx
Blob unsupported
Boolean 1 octet != 0, written as 1 or 0
Byte 1 octet
Bytes pfx
CharacterStream pfx as via *String
Clob unsupported
Date 8 octets getTime() as long
Double 8 octets
Float 4 octets
Int 4 octets
Long 8 octets
NClob unsupported
NString unsupported
Object unsupported
Ref unsupported
RowId unsupported
Short 2 octets
SQLXML unsupported
String pfx always UTF-8
Struct unsupported
Time 8 octets getTime() as long
Timestamp 8 octets getTime() as long
URL pfx via *String

Note: in all PL/Java versions to and including 1.5.0-BETA2, the SQLInput/SQLOutput methods for types wider than a byte are bigendian, regardless of the underlying hardware.

For mirrored types, this is plainly a bug: when running on little-endian hardware, PostgreSQL and Java will disagree on what the values are.

For base types there is no disagreement issue (because only the Java code manipulates those), though there may be a slight performance cost. In release 1.5.0, byte order is selectable. For mirrored types, the default has changed to native. For base types, the default stays big_endian, to preserve the values of any existing user-defined types stored with earlier PL/Java versions, and to preserve their COPY and on-network binary form.

Because of the “UDT function slot switcheroo” (described further below), PL/Java UDTs implicitly have a binary send/receive/COPY form reflecting their internal stored representation; they cannot, at present, use the send and receive function slots to define a custom format for binary transfer. Because the binary COPY format documentation specifies network byte order (that is, big-endian), there are no plans to change the default stored form from big_endian until some future release decouples the stored representation from that for binary transfer.

In some future upgrade, it may be appropriate to change the byte order for base types, which will require a migration step for any stored data of PL/Java base types. Methods for doing that are covered on the byte order page.

Additional JDBC coercions

The JDBC standard facilities for managing a type map are not implemented or used, and getTypeMap will always return null. All of PL/Java's uses of the type map managed with SQLJ.ADD_TYPE_MAPPING take place below the level of the JDBC mechanisms.

When reading or writing values through any of the JDBC interfaces (except SQLInput/SQLOutput in raw mode), there is another layer of type coercion that can be applied, after (when reading) or before (when writing) the rules presented above, and unrelated to them. These are implemented entirely in Java, and can be found in under the names basicCoersion, basicNumericCoersion, and basicCalendricalCoersion.

These three, however, are inconsistently applied. They are used on values written by Java to the single-row writable ResultSets that PL/Java provides for composite function results, but not those written to the similar ResultSets provided to triggers, or prepared statement parameters, or SQLOutput in typed tuple mode. They also cannot be assumed to cover all cases since JDBC 4.1 and 4.2 introduced new type mappings that can be used in place of the default ones (such as java.time.OffsetTime for timetz).

Therefore, a future PL/Java release will probably phase out those three methods in favor of a more general method.

The TypeBridge class

A start on the replacement of those three methods has already been made in the work to support the java.time types and SQLXML in PL/Java 1.5.1. The support of these alternative mappings requires that the Java types be recognized as alternate mappings known to the native code, and passed intact to the native layer with no attempt to coerce them to the expected types first. To do that, a Java value that is of one of the known supported alternate types is wrapped in a TypeBridge.Holder to link the value with explicit information on the needed type conversion. As the first step in phasing out the inconsistently-applied SPIConnection basic coercions, they are never applied at all to a TypeBridge.Holder. At present, TypeBridges are used only for the newly-added type mappings, to avoid a behavior change for pre-existing ones.

The TypeBridge class is not intended as a mechanism for user-extensible type mappings (the existing facilities for user-defined types should be used). There will be a small, stable number of TypeBridges corresponding to known type mappings added in the JDBC spec, or otherwise chosen for native support in PL/Java. For any TypeBridge wrapping a Java value there must be a native-code TypeClass registered for the Java class the bridge is meant to carry. There is one function in Type.c to initialize and register all of the known handful of TypeBridges. When new ones are added, the list must be kept in an order such that if bridge a is registered before bridge b, then a will not capture the Java type registered to b.

The user-defined-type function slot switcheroo

When a new base type is defined in PostgreSQL, the CREATE TYPE command can specify four functions that deal directly with the type representation: INPUT and OUTPUT, which convert between the internal representation and printable/parsable text form, and RECEIVE and SEND, normally used to offer another transfer format, more efficient than text, to pass over the channel between frontend and backend.

When a new base UDT is defined in PL/Java, the generated CREATE TYPE command fills those four function slots, but with functions whose AS strings do not directly name the Java methods to call. Instead, the strings have a special form identifying the Java class associated with the type, and the slot type, INPUT/OUTPUT/SEND/RECEIVE. When PostgreSQL calls these “functions”, the PL/Java runtime passes control appropriately; there are fixed names and signatures for the four methods that the associated class needs to implement.

The semantics of the four slots are slightly reinterpreted. INPUT and OUTPUT still implement the type's outward, textual form, but instead of converting between that form and the form PostgreSQL sees, they convert between the text form and an instance of the Java class (using the methods parse and toString, respectively).

It would be natural to expect that the other two slots, RECEIVE and SEND, correspond to the other two required Java methods, readSQL and writeSQL, but they do not exactly. The readSQL and writeSQL are actually called only from the coercion methods of UDT (in PL/Java's C “object” system, a subclass of Type) when PL/Java needs to convert between a Java class instance and the PostgreSQL stored type, not from Function when PostgreSQL has called through the RECEIVE or SEND slot in order to transport the value between backend and frontend. This is the type-function-slot switcheroo.

That repurposing of the RECEIVE and SEND slots does not leave a way to name special functions for binary transport to the frontend, so whenever PostgreSQL does call through those slots, PL/Java always does a raw binary transfer using the libpq API directly (for fixed-size representations), bytearecv/byteasend for varlena representations, or unknownrecv/unknownsend for C string representations. Responsible code in type/UDT.c is commented with “Assumption 2”.

A future version could revisit this limitation, and allow PL/Java UDTs to specify custom binary transfer formats also.

“Assumption 1” in UDT.c is that any PostgreSQL type declared with internallength=-2 (meaning it is stored as a variable number of nonzero bytes terminated by a zero byte) must have a human-readable representation identical to its stored form, and must be converted to and from Java using the INPUT and OUTPUT slots. A MappedUDT does not have functions in those slots, and therefore “Assumption 1” rules out any such type as target of a MappedUDT.

A future version could revisit this limitation also.