The testing harness Node.class in PL/Java's self-installer jar

The end product of a PL/Java build is a jar file containing the actual files (including other jars) that need to be installed on a target system, plus some logic allowing it to be run with java -jar and extract itself, consulting the target system's pg_config to learn where to put the files. That is unchanged from PL/Java 1.5.

In 1.6, however, the class added in the jar to support the self-extraction has a number of new methods useful for integration testing.

The new methods are unused in a simple extraction with java -jar, but are available, for example, to Java's jshell scriptable interpreter. Starting jshell with PL/Java's installer jar on its class path creates a rather versatile environment for scripting tests of PL/Java in one or more temporary database instances.

This is currently done in the multi-platform CI test configurations in the project's repository, as a way to keep as much as possible of the testing code common across platforms.

The overall flavor, and even some of the method names, follow the PostgresNode Perl module that became part of PostgreSQL's “PGXS” extension-building tools in 2015, so a quick review of that follows.

For PostgreSQL 15, the module distributed with PostgreSQL was renamed from PostgresNode to PostgreSQL::Test::Cluster, with no essential change in functionality (though get_new_node did become, simply, new). To avoid needless churn, this Java class still has the historical name and methods.

Similarities to the upstream PostgreSQL::Test::Cluster Perl module

When used from a testing script written in Perl, the methods of PostgreSQL::Test::Cluster make it easy to spin up and tear down one or more PostgreSQL instances, running in temporary directories, listening on temporary ports, non-interfering with each other or with production instances using the standard locations and ports, and without needing the permissions that guard those ‘real’ locations and ports. A Perl test script might be simply:

my $n1 = get_new_node("TestNode1");
$n1->init();                # run initdb in n1's temporary location
$n1->start();               # start a server listening on n1's temporary port
$n1->safe_psql("postgres", "select 42");
$n1->stop();                # stop the server
$n1->clean_node();          # recursively delete the temporary location

PostgreSQL::Test::Cluster illustrates the immense utility of making just a few well-chosen methods available, when there is already an expressive scripting language at hand (Perl) for putting those methods to use.

Early Java versions lacked any batteries-included support for scripting, but the arrival of jshell with Java 9 changed that. Start up jshell with PL/Java's installer jar on its classpath, and you have an interactive, scriptable version of Java, with the methods of Node.class available in it.

The ones that correspond to the Perl example above have the same names, for familiarity (right down to the Perlish spelling with underscores rather than Javaish camelCase):

import org.postgresql.pljava.packaging.Node
Node n1 = Node.get_new_node("TestNode1")
/* ... */

jshell has to be run with a rather lengthy command line to get to this point; more on that later. But once started, it presents a familiar PostgreSQL::Test::Cluster-like environment. As the example shows, jshell is lenient about statement-ending semicolons. (Using them is still advisable, though; that leniency has fiddly exceptions, such as not applying to pasted text.)

Node.class in detail

A Node will register a VM shutdown hook to make sure stop and clean_node happen if you forget and exit jshell, though forgetting is not recommended. For using jshell interactively, these methods are convenient. If writing a script, the equivalent try-with-resources forms may be tidier:

try (AutoCloseable t1 = n1.initialized_cluster())
  try (AutoCloseable t2 = n1.started_server())
    /* ... */

The server will be stopped when t2 goes out of scope, and the file tree created by initdb will be removed when t1 goes out of scope.

The try form is less convenient for interactive use, because jshell is not very interactive when gathering a compound statement like a try. None of your actions actually happen until you supply the final closing brace, and then they all happen at once and the instance is torn down. But for any sort of finished test script, the try form will be natural.

The full set of Node methods available can be seen in its javadocs.

Connecting to the server

Running initdb and starting a server are all well and good, but sooner or later a test may need to connect to it. That requires a JDBC driver to be on the classpath also; either PGJDBC or pgjdbc-ng will work, with a few minor differences.

New profiles have been added to PL/Java's Maven build, and can be activated with -Ppgjdbc or -Ppgjdbc-ng on the mvn command line. They have no effect but to declare an extra dependency on the corresponding dependencies-included driver jar. It is not used in the build, but Maven will have downloaded it to the local repository, and that location can be added to jshell's classpath to make the driver available. (In the case of PGJDBC, adding the jar to the module path also works.)

That addition leads to the final long unwieldy command line needed to start jshell, which can be seen in all its glory toward the end of this page. Once that is copied and pasted into a terminal and any local paths changed, the rest is easy:

import org.postgresql.pljava.packaging.Node;
Node n1 = Node.get_new_node("TestNode1");
import java.sql.Connection;
Connection c1 = n1.connect();

Once you have an open connection (or several), the convenience methods Node provides for using them are static. A connection is already to a specific Node, so there is no need for the convenience methods to be invoked on a Node instance. They are static, and simply take a Connection as the first parameter.

import static org.postgresql.pljava.packaging.Node.qp; // query-print
qp(c1, "CREATE TABLE foo (bar int, baz text)");
qp(c1, "INSERT INTO foo (VALUES (1, 'Howdy!'))");
qp(c1, "SELECT 1/0");
qp(c1, "SELECT pg_sleep(1.5)");
qp(c1, "SELECT * FROM foo");

This example shows qp used several different ways: with a DDL statement that returns no result, a DML statement that returns an update count, a statement that returns an error, one that calls a void-returning function (and therefore produces a one-row result with one column typed void and always null), and one that returns a general query result. What it prints:

jshell> qp(c1, "CREATE TABLE foo (bar int, baz text)");

jshell> qp(c1, "INSERT INTO foo (VALUES (1, 'Howdy!'))");
<success rows='1'/>

jshell> qp(c1, "SELECT 1/0");
<error code='22012' message='division by zero'/>

jshell> qp(c1, "SELECT pg_sleep(1.5)");
<void rows='1' cols='1'/>

jshell> qp(c1, "SELECT * FROM foo");


The XMLish output style comes from using Java's built-in WebRowSet.writeXml method for dumping general result sets. It is more verbose than one would like, and easily flummoxed by unusual or PG-specific column types, but it is as useful a way to readably dump a typical result set as one could hope to write in four lines of Java. (This is meant as a small class useful for testing, not as a reimplementation of psql!)

The writing of update counts and diagnostics as success/error/warning/info XML elements naturally follows to keep the output format consistent. The void output is special treatment for the common case of a result set with only the void column type, to spare the effort of generating a whole WebRowSet XML that only shows nothing is there.

The results shown above were obtained with pgjdbc-ng. If using PGJDBC, you will notice these minor differences:

  • For the first case shown, DDL with no result, PGJDBC will present a zero-row success result, the same as for DML that did not affect any rows. This has to be taken into account if writing a state machine to check results, as discussed further below.
  • The message attribute produced for an error will have a prefix of ERROR: (or the corresponding word in the PostgreSQL server's configured language).

qp dissected

qp is for interactive, exploratory use, generating printed output. For scripting purposes, q gives direct access to result objects; qp is nothing but a wrapper that calls q with the same arguments, and what q returns is passed directly to another method (in fact, another of several overloads of qp) to be printed.

What q returns is a Stream<Object>. Although declared with element type Object, the stream will only deliver instances of: ResultSet, Long (an update count), or throwables (caught exceptions, or SQLWarning instances). The JDBC Statement is polled for new SQLWarnings before checking for each next result (ResultSet or update count). An error or exception that is thrown and caught will be placed on the stream when caught (and will be the last thing on the stream, though it may carry chains of cause, suppressed, or next exceptions that may follow it if flattenDiagnostics is used on the stream).

All ‘notices’ from PostgreSQL (severity below ERROR but at or above client_min_messages) are turned into SQLWarning instances by pgjdbc-ng, which does not provide any API to get the original PostgreSQL severity, or any of the details other than the message and SQLState code. Node classifies them as info if the SQLState ‘class’ (leftmost two positions) is 00, otherwise as warning. Exceptions of any other kind are classified as error.

PGJDBC also turns notices below ERROR into SQLWarning instances, but provides access to the severity tag from the server, so Node uses that to classify them as warning or info, instead of the class 00 rule. If the severity is WARNING (or happens to be null for some reason), Node will classify the notice as warning; any other severity will be classified as info. (Note, however, that this scheme will not work if the server is configured for a language that uses a different word for WARNING. To make it work in that case, you can call Node.set_WARNING_localized in advance, passing the word that PostgreSQL uses for WARNING in your language.)

As it happens, there is also an overload of qp with just one Stream<Object> parameter. If you have already run a query with q and have the result stream, and decide you just want to print that, just pass it to qp. There are other overloads of qp for the individual objects you might encounter in a result stream. One static import of the name qp will allow printing many things.

More specialized convenience methods

Node also supplies several more specialized methods: setConfig for PostgreSQL configuration variables (qp is fine for a literal string “set foo to bar” command, but for computed values, setConfig uses a prepared statement and binding), and wrappers for PL/Java install_jar, remove_jar, and set_classpath.

The installExamplesJar method supplies the correct as-installed path to the jar file (which we know, because this is the self-installer code, remember?). The boolean method examplesNeedSaxon introspects in the examples jar to see if it includes the Saxon examples, and therefore needs the Saxon jar in place before it can be deployed.

As the Saxon jar is probably already in a local Maven repository, installSaxon will install it from there, given a path to the repository root and the desired version of Saxon-HE. Not to be outdone, installSaxonAndExamplesAndPath combines the steps in correct order to install the Saxon jar, place it on the classpath, install and deploy the examples jar, and set a final classpath that includes both.

import static java.nio.file.Paths.get;
import java.sql.Connection;
import org.postgresql.pljava.packaging.Node;
import static org.postgresql.pljava.packaging.Node.qp;

Node n1 = Node.get_new_node("TestNode1");

try (
  AutoCloseable t1 = n1.initialized_cluster();
  AutoCloseable t2 = n1.started_server(Map.of(
    "client_min_messages", "info",
      "-Xcheck:jni -enableassertions:org.postgresql.pljava..."
  try ( Connection c = n1.connect() )
    qp(c, "CREATE EXTENSION pljava");

   * Get a new connection; 'create extension' always sets a near-silent logging
   * level, and PL/Java only checks once at VM start time, so in the same
   * session where 'create extension' was done, logging is somewhat suppressed.
  try ( Connection c = n1.connect() )
      get(System.getProperty("user.home"), ".m2", "repository").toString(),

The above example puts together most of the ideas covered here. While it does demonstrate installing and deploying the examples jar (which runs all of the tests contained in its deployment code), this example merely prints the output, rather than examining it programmatically to evaluate success, and it does not use its exit status to communicate success or failure to its invoker, as one would expect of a test.

Worked-out examples that do the rest of that can be seen in the project repository in the configuration files for the CI testing services.

stateMachine for checking results

One last Node method most useful for checking returned results programmatically is stateMachine (full description in the javadocs). For example, the installSaxonAndExamplesAndPath call above returns a concatenation of four object streams: one from sqlj.install_jar loading the Saxon jar, one from sqlj.set_classpath adding it to the path, one from sqlj.install_jar loading the PL/Java examples jar (which runs the tests in its deployment descriptor), and finally the sqlj.set_classpath placing both jars on the path.

Each of those streams should end with a void result set, preceded by zero or more info or warning (any error should be counted as test failure). In the third stream, from installing the examples jar, any warning should also be counted as a test failure: the tests in the deployment descriptor report failures that way to avoid aborting the query, so more results can be reported.

Using stateMachine, that can be expressed as a small set of states and transitions that match that expected sequence. A state returns a positive number n to consume the input object it is looking at and transition to state n for the next item of input, or a negative number -n to go to state n still with the same input item. The final accepting state returns true; false from any state reports a mismatch. A null is supplied by stateMachine after the last item on the input Stream (which therefore must not contain nulls):

succeeding &= stateMachine(
  "descriptive string for this state machine",

  .peek(Node::peek), // so they also appear in the log

  // states 1,2: maybe diagnostics, then a void result set (saxon install)
  (o,p,q) -> isDiagnostic(o, Set.of("error")) ? 1 : -2,
  (o,p,q) -> isVoidResultSet(o, 1, 1) ? 3 : false,

  // states 3,4: maybe diagnostics, then a void result set (set classpath)
  (o,p,q) -> isDiagnostic(o, Set.of("error")) ? 3 : -4,
  (o,p,q) -> isVoidResultSet(o, 1, 1) ? 5 : false,

  // states 5,6: maybe diagnostics, then void result set (example install)
  (o,p,q) -> isDiagnostic(o, Set.of("error", "warning")) ? 5 : -6,
  (o,p,q) -> isVoidResultSet(o, 1, 1) ? 7 : false,

  // states 7,8: maybe diagnostics, then a void result set (set classpath)
  (o,p,q) -> isDiagnostic(o, Set.of("error")) ? 7 : -8,
  (o,p,q) -> isVoidResultSet(o, 1, 1) ? 9 : false,

  // state 9: must be end of input
  (o,p,q) -> null == o

The isDiagnostic method shown above isn't part of the Node class; in the actual test configurations in the repository, it is trivially defined in jshell a few lines earlier. Not everything needs to be built in.

The difference in treatment of no-result DDL statements between drivers (where pgjdbc-ng really has no result, and PGJDBC has a zero-row update count as it would for a DML statement) can complicate writing a state machine that works with both drivers. Node predefines a state function NOTHING_OR_PGJDBC_ZERO_COUNT that consults the s_urlForm static field to determine which driver is in use, and then moves to the numerically next state, after consuming

  • nothing, if the driver is pgjdbc-ng, or
  • a single zero row count (rejecting any other input), if the driver is PGJDBC.
succeeding &= stateMachine(
  "descriptive string for this state machine",

  q(c, "CREATE TABLE foo (bar int, baz text)")
  .peek(Node::peek), // so they also appear in the log

  (o,p,q) -> isDiagnostic(o, Set.of("error")) ? 1 : -2,


  (o,p,q) -> null == o

Invoking jshell to use Node.class

As hinted above, the command needed to get jshell started so all the foregoing goodness can happen is a bit unwieldy with options. It looks like this:

jshell \
  --execution local \
  "-J--class-path=$packageJar:$jdbcJar" \
  "--class-path=$packageJar" \
  "-J--add-modules=java.sql.rowset" \
  "-J-Dpgconfig=$pgConfig" \

where $packageJar is a PL/Java self-installer jar, $jdbcJar should point to a “fat jar” for the JDBC driver of choice (postgresql-version.jar or pgjdbc-ng-all-version.jar), and $pgConfig should point to the pg_config executable for the PostgreSQL installation that should be used. (If there is only one PostgreSQL installation or the right pg_config will be found on the search path, it doesn't have to be specified.)

The -J--add-modules is needed because even though jshell treats java.sql.rowset as available by default, the local JVM it is running on (because of --execution local) wouldn't know that without being told.

The path given to jshell itself (--class-path without the -J) does not need to mention $jdbcJar, because that can be a provider of the java.sql.Driver service without having to be visible. If the script will want to use driver-specific extension classes, then the jar does have to be on jshell's class path too.

When the driver is PGJDBC, it can be placed on the class path or on the module path (in which case it becomes the named module org.postgresql.jdbc). Again, it does not need to be on jshell's module path also—the one without -J—unless the script will be referring to driver-specific classes.

The noUnsafe setting, needed only when the driver is pgjdbc-ng, silences a complaint from the netty library about Java (correctly!) denying it access to private internals.