All Classes and Interfaces

Custom implementations of Java's Type interfaces, with methods for a couple useful manipulations.
A class recording the bindings made in a ParameterizedType to the type parameters in a GenericDeclaration<Class>.
A class dedicated to manipulating the types of multidimensional Java arrays, and their instances, that conform to PostgreSQL array constraints (non-'jagged', each dimension's arrays all equal size, no intermediate nulls).
Base for classes that implement data types over raw PostgreSQL datums.
A lightweight unchecked exception used to wrap checked ones (often SQLException) in settings where checked ones are a bother.
Abstract supertype of array adapters.
Builder to derive properly-typed array adapters of various dimensionalities, first obtained from an Adapter.ArrayProto.
Mixin allowing properly-typed array adapters of various dimensionalities to be derived from an adapter for the array component type.
Superclass for adapters that fetch something and return it as a reference type T.
Abstract superclass of primitive boolean adapters.
Abstract superclass of signed and unsigned primitive byte adapters.
Abstract superclass of signed primitive byte adapters.
Abstract superclass of unsigned primitive byte adapters.
Abstract superclass of primitive char adapters.
Abstract superclass of primitive double adapters.
Abstract superclass of primitive float adapters.
Abstract superclass of signed and unsigned primitive int adapters.
Abstract superclass of signed primitive int adapters.
Abstract superclass of unsigned primitive int adapters.
Abstract superclass of signed and unsigned primitive long adapters.
Abstract superclass of signed primitive long adapters.
Abstract superclass of unsigned primitive long adapters.
Abstract superclass of signed and unsigned primitive short adapters.
Abstract superclass of signed primitive short adapters.
Abstract superclass of unsigned primitive short adapters.
A class that is returned by the configure method, intended for use during an Adapter subclass's static initialization, and must be supplied to the constructor when instances of the class are created.
Provided to serve as a superclass for a 'container' class that is used to group several related adapters without being instantiable as an adapter itself.
A marker interface to be extended by functional interfaces that serve as ADT contracts.
Base for functional interfaces that serve as contracts for array-like types.
Marker interface for contracts for simple scalar types.
Functional interface able to dispense one instance of an ADT by passing its constituent values to a supplied Contract and returning whatever that returns.
A permission allowing the creation of a leaf Adapter.
Ancestor class for adapters that fetch something and return it as a Java primitive type.
Functional interface able to dispense multiple instances of an ADT identified by a zero-based index, passing the its constituent values to a supplied Contract and returning whatever that returns.
Specification of a service supplied by the internals module for certain operations, such as specially instantiating array adapters based on ArrayBuilders constructed here.
Specifies, for a leaf adapter (one not composed over a lower adapter), the form in which the value fetched from PostgreSQL will be presented to it (or how it will produce a value to be stored to PostgreSQL).
Convenience class whose member classes will provide APIs that in some way adjust aspects of PL/Java's behavior.
Class that collects adjustment APIs for affecting the behavior of PL/Java's XML support.
Adjusting version of a DOMSource.
Interface with methods to adjust the restrictions on XML parsing that are commonly considered when XML content might be from untrusted sources.
Adjusting version of javax.xml.transform.Result, offering the adjustment methods of Adjusting.XML.Parsing, chiefly so that there is a way to apply those adjustments to any implicitly-created parser used to verify the content that will be written to the Result.
Adjusting version of a SAXResult.
Adjusting version of a SAXSource.
A functional interface fitting various setFeature or setProperty methods in Java XML APIs.
Adjusting version of javax.xml.transform.Source, allowing various parser features to be configured before calling get() to obtain the usable Source object.
Specialized Result type for setting a new PL/Java SQLXML instance's content from an arbitrary Source object of any of the types JDBC requires the SQLXML type to support.
Adjusting version of a StAXSource.
Adjusting version of a StreamResult.
Declares a PostgreSQL aggregate.
Declares the effect of the finish function in a Plan.
Specifies one "plan" for evaluating the aggregate; one must always be specified (as plan), and a second may be specified (as movingPlan).
Container for functional interfaces presenting a PostgreSQL array.
A contract whereby an array is returned flattened into a Java list, with no attention to its specified dimensionality or index bounds.
An attribute (column), either of a known relation, or of a transient record type.
Annotation on a PL/Java class to form a User Defined Type that will become a new PostgreSQL base type.
The supported alignment constraints for the type's internal representation.
The type categories that are predefined in PostgreSQL.
Character constants corresponding to the predefined categories, for use in the BaseUDT.category() annotation element.
The supported TOAST strategies for the type's stored representation.
Container for abstract-type functional interfaces in PostgreSQL's BITSTRING type category.
The BIT and VARBIT types' PostgreSQL semantics: the number of bits, and the sequence of bytes they're packed into.
Functional interface to obtain information from the PostgreSQL type modifier applied to the type.
Declares a PostgreSQL CAST.
When this cast can be applied: only in explicit form, when used in assignment context, or implicitly whenever needed.
A known conversion path when a dedicated function is not supplied: BINARY for two types that are known to have the same internal representation, or INOUT to invoke the first type's text-output function followed by the second type's text-input function.
Base interface representing some object in the PostgreSQL catalogs, identified by its oid.
Interface for any catalog object with an access control list (a list of some type of Grant).
A catalog object that has both oid and classId specified, and can be looked up in the PostgreSQL catalogs (where it may, or may not, be found).
Interface for an object that is regarded as a component of some, other, addressed catalog object, and is identified by that other object's classId and oid along with an integer subId.
Interface representing any single Grant (or ACL item), a grant of some set of possible privileges, to some role, granted by some role.
Subtype of Grant representing the privileges that may be granted on an attribute (or column).
Subtype of Grant representing the privileges that may be granted on a class (or relation, table, view).
Subtype of Grant representing the privileges that may be granted on a database.
Subtype of Grant representing the privileges that may be granted on a namespace (or schema).
Subtype of Grant representing the grants (of membership in, and/or privileges of, other roles) that may be made to a role.
Subtype of Grant representing the privileges that may be granted on a configuration setting.
Interface for any catalog object that has a name, which can be an Identifier.Simple or an Identifier.Operator.
Interface for any catalog object that has a name and also a namespace or schema (an associated instance of RegNamespace).
Interface for any catalog object that has an owner (an associated instance of RegRole.
Represents one of PostgreSQL's available character set encodings.
A distinguished CharsetEncoding representing uses such as -1 in the collencoding column of pg_collation, indicating the collation is usable with any encoding.
Model of a database defined within the PostgreSQL cluster.
Container for abstract-type functional interfaces in PostgreSQL's DATETIME type category.
The DATE type's PostgreSQL semantics: a signed number of days since the "Postgres epoch".
A reference implementation that maps to LocalDate.
The TIME type's PostgreSQL semantics: microseconds since midnight.
A reference implementation that maps to LocalTime.
Functional interface to obtain information from the PostgreSQL type modifier applied to the type.
The TIMESTAMP type's PostgreSQL semantics: microseconds since midnight of the PostgreSQL epoch, without an assumed time zone.
A reference implementation that maps to LocalDateTime.
Functional interface to obtain information from the PostgreSQL type modifier applied to the type.
The TIMESTAMPTZ type's PostgreSQL semantics: microseconds since midnight UTC of the PostgreSQL epoch.
A reference implementation that maps to OffsetDateTime.
Functional interface to obtain information from the PostgreSQL type modifier applied to the type.
The TIMETZ type's PostgreSQL semantics: microseconds since midnight, accompanied by a time zone offset expressed in seconds.
A reference implementation that maps to OffsetTime.
Functional interface to obtain information from the PostgreSQL type modifier applied to the type.
Raw access to the contents of a PostgreSQL datum.
Accessor for a Datum located, at some offset, in memory represented by a <B> object.
An accessor for use with a 'deformed' (array-of-Datum) memory layout.
An accessor for use with a heap-tuple styled, flattened, memory layout.
Interface through which PL/Java code reads the content of an existing PostgreSQL datum.
Empty superinterface of Accessor.Deformed and Accessor.Heap, which are erased at run time but help distinguish, in source code, which memory layout convention an Accessor is tailored for.
Model of a PostgreSQL extension that has been installed for the current database.
Annotates a Java method for which an SQL function declaration should be generated into the deployment descriptor file.
The volatility category describing the presence or absence of side-effects constraining what the optimizer can safely do with the function.
Whether the function is called even for null input, or known to return null in that case and therefore not called.
Whether the function is unsafe to use in any parallel query plan at all, or avoids certain operations and can appear in such a plan but must be executed only in the parallel group leader, or avoids an even larger set of operations and is safe to execute anywhere in a parallel plan.
Whether the function executes with the same identity and permissions as the role that has invoked it (the usual case), or with the rights of the role that defined it (such as to offer controlled access to data the invoker would otherwise have no access to).
Whether the function only needs limited capabilities and can run in the "trusted" language sandbox, or has to be unsandboxed and run in an "untrusted" language instance.
Container for abstract-type functional interfaces in PostgreSQL's GEOMETRIC type category.
The BOX type's PostgreSQL semantics: two corner points.
The CIRCLE type's PostgreSQL semantics: center point and radius.
The LINE type's PostgreSQL semantics: coefficients of its general equation Ax+By+C=0.
The LSEG type's PostgreSQL semantics: two endpoints.
The PATH type's PostgreSQL semantics: vertex points and whether closed.
The POINT type's PostgreSQL semantics: a pair of float8 coordinates.
The POLYGON type's PostgreSQL semantics: vertex points and a bounding box.
Container for abstract-type functional interfaces, not quite exactly corresponding to PostgreSQL's INTERNAL category; there are some fairly "internal" types that ended up in the USER category too, for whatever reason.
The tid type's PostgreSQL semantics: a block ID and a row index within that block.
A few useful SQL lexical definitions supplied as Pattern objects.
Class representing a SQL identifier.
What is the name of an unnamed parameter or column?
Class representing an Identifier that names a PostgreSQL operator.
Displays/deparses like a Simple identifier, but no singleton of this class matches anything but itself, to represent pseudo-identifiers like PUBLIC as a privilege grantee.
Class representing a schema-qualified identifier.
Class representing an unqualified identifier in the form of a name (whether a case-insensitive "regular identifier" without quotes, or a delimited form).
Class representing a non-schema-qualified identifier, either the Simple form used for naming most things, or the Operator form specific to PostgreSQL operators.
Model of any notional object in PostgreSQL or PL/Java that has a definite temporal existence, with a detectable end, and so can be used to scope the lifetime of any PL/Java object that has corresponding native resources.
Annotation on a PL/Java class that will either map an existing PostgreSQL type (provided its internal storage form is well understood), or create and map a new PostgreSQL composite type (a/k/a "structured type" in the standards).
A PostgreSQL MemoryContext, which is usable as a PL/Java Lifespan to scope the lifetimes of PL/Java objects (as when they depend on native memory allocated in the underlying context).
The MONEY type's PostgreSQL semantics: an integer value, whose scaling, display format, and currency are all determined by a user-settable configuration setting.
Container for abstract-type functional interfaces in PostgreSQL's NETWORK type category (and MAC addresses, which, for arcane reasons, are not in that category).
The INET and CIDR types' PostgreSQL semantics: the family (INET or INET6), the number of network prefix bits, and the address bytes in network byte order.
The macaddr and macaddr8 types' PostgreSQL semantics: a byte array (6 or 8 bytes, respectively)., of which byte 0 is the one appearing first in the text representation (and stored in the member named a of the C struct).
The NUMERIC type's PostgreSQL semantics: a sign (or indication that the value is NaN, + infinity, or - infinity), a display scale, a weight, and zero or more base-ten-thousand digits.
A reference implementation that maps to BigDecimal (but cannot represent all possible values).
Label to distinguish positive, negative, and three kinds of special values.
Functional interface to obtain information from the PostgreSQL type modifier applied to the type.
A pool of objects of a single class.
Declares a PostgreSQL OPERATOR.
Names of several functions predefined in PostgreSQL for estimating the selectivity of operators in restriction clauses or joins.
Interface for a procedural language on PL/Java infrastructure.
To be implemented by a language that supports inline code blocks.
The result of a specialize call on a Template.
To be implemented by a language that supports routines (that is, functions and/or procedures).
The result of a prepare call on a PL/Java-based routine.
Java Principal representing a PostgreSQL PROCEDURAL LANGUAGE, which has a name (a simple identifier, not schema-qualified) and is either Sandboxed (declared with SQL CREATE TRUSTED LANGUAGE or Unsandboxed.
Java Principal representing a PostgreSQL PROCEDURAL LANGUAGE that was declared with the TRUSTED keyword and can be used to declare new functions by any role that has been granted USAGE permission on it.
Java Principal representing a PostgreSQL PROCEDURAL LANGUAGE that was declared without the TRUSTED keyword, and can be used to declare new functions only by a PostgreSQL superuser.
Interface for objects that are pooled and reused.
Models a PostgreSQL Portal, an object representing the ongoing execution of a query and capable of returning a TupleDescriptor for the result, and fetching tuples of the result, either all at once, or in smaller batches.
The direction modes that can be used with fetch and move.
Model of a PostgreSQL procedural language, including (for non-built-in languages, like PL/Java) the handler functions used in its implementation.
A RegProcedure.Memo attached to a RegProcedure that represents a PL/Java-based routine, retaining additional information useful to a PL/Java-based language implementation.
Model of PostgreSQL relations/"classes"/tables.
A more-specifically-typed subinterface of RegClass, used in the CLASSID static fields of interfaces in this package.
Model of a registered PostgreSQL collation, consisting of a provider and version, collate and ctype strings meaningful to that provider, and a CharsetEncoding (or ANY if the collation is usable with any encoding).
A PostgreSQL text search configuration.
A PostgreSQL text search dictionary.
Model of a namespace (named schema) entry in the PostgreSQL catalogs.
Model of a PostgreSQL operator as defined in the system catalogs, including its kind (infix or prefix), operand and result types, and a number of properties helpful in query planning.
Model of a PostgreSQL "routine" (which in late versions can include procedures and functions of various kinds) as defined in the system catalogs, including its parameter and result types and many other properties.
Counterpart to the PostgreSQL FunctionCallInfoBaseData.
Counterpart to the PostgreSQL FmgrInfo.
Model of a PostgreSQL role.
Subinterface of RegRole returned by methods of CatalogObject.AccessControlled identifying the role to which a privilege has been granted.
Model of a PostgreSQL data type, as defined in the system catalogs.
Interface additionally implemented by an instance that represents a type (such as the PostgreSQL polymorphic pseudotypes or the even wilder "any" type) needing resolution to an actual type used at a given call site.
The representation of a PostgreSQL ResourceOwner, usable as a PL/Java Lifespan.
An implementation of this interface is returned from functions and procedures that are declared to return SET OF a complex type in the form of a ResultSet.
An implementation of this interface is returned from functions and procedures that are declared to return SET OF a complex type.
Version of ResultSetProvider where the assignRowValues method accepting a long row count must be implemented, and the int version defaults to using it.
Interface for a listener to be notified of the start and pre-commit, commit, or abort of savepoints.
A Session brings together some useful methods and data for the current database session.
The SessionManager makes the current Session available to the caller.
A temporary test jig during TupleTableSlot development, not intended to last.
A temporary marker interface used on classes or interfaces whose static final fields should be visible to adapterPlease.
Annotation that supplies verbatim commands to be copied into the deployment descriptor.
Container for multiple SQLAction annotations (in case it is convenient to hang more than one on a given program element).
Optionally annotates a Java method parameter, to supply an explicit SQL type for use in the SQL function declaration in place of the automatically mapped type, and/or to supply an SQL default value.
Identifies attributes to be retrieved from a set of tuples.
A TargetList that has been bound to a source of tuples and can execute code with the wanted attribute values available.
A TargetList in which no one attribute may appear more than once.
Container for abstract-type functional interfaces in PostgreSQL's TIMESPAN type category (which, at present, includes the single type INTERVAL).
The INTERVAL type's PostgreSQL semantics: separate microseconds, days, and months components, independently signed.
Functional interface to obtain information from the PostgreSQL type modifier applied to the type.
Interface for a listener to be notified of prepare, and commit, abort, or other phase transitions, of distributed transactions.
Annotation, only used in @Function(triggers=...), to specify what trigger(s) the function will be called for.
Whether the trigger is invoked before or after the specified event.
Deferrability (only applies to constraint triggers).
Types of event that can occasion a trigger.
Whether the trigger will occur only once for a statement of interest, or once for each row affected by the statement.
The data passed to an ordinary (insert/update/delete/truncate) trigger function.
An exception specially suited to be thrown from within a method designated to be a trigger function.
Conceptually, a TupleDescriptor is a list of Attribute, with a RegType that identifies its corresponding row type.
A descriptor that has been constructed on the fly and has not been interned.
A descriptor that either describes a known composite type in the catalogs, or has been interned in PostgreSQL's type cache, and has a distinct rowType that can be used to identify it for the duration of the session.
A PostgreSQL abstraction that can present a variety of underlying tuple representations in a common way.
A form of TupleTableSlot consisting of a number of indexable elements all of the same type, described by the single Attribute of a one-element TupleDescriptor.
Methods that have variants on twos-complement Java types that might be signed or unsigned.
Mixin with default signed implementations of the interface methods.
Mixin with default unsigned implementations of the interface methods.
A Verifier verifies the proper form of content written to a Datum.
A verifier interface to be used when the ByteBuffer API provides the most natural interface for manipulating the content.
A verifier interface to be used when the InputStream API provides the most natural interface for manipulating the content.