Interface Array.AsFlatList<E>

All Superinterfaces:
Adapter.Contract<List<E>>, Adapter.Contract.Array<List<E>,E,Adapter.As<E,?>>
Enclosing interface:
Functional Interface:
This is a functional interface and can therefore be used as the assignment target for a lambda expression or method reference.

@FunctionalInterface public static interface Array.AsFlatList<E> extends Adapter.Contract.Array<List<E>,E,Adapter.As<E,?>>
A contract whereby an array is returned flattened into a Java list, with no attention to its specified dimensionality or index bounds.
  • Method Details

    • of

      static <E> Array.AsFlatList<E> of(Array.AsFlatList<E> instance)
      Shorthand for a cast of a suitable method reference to this functional interface type.
    • nullsIncludedCopy

      static <E> List<E> nullsIncludedCopy(int nDims, int[] dimsAndBounds, Adapter.As<E,?> adapter, TupleTableSlot.Indexed slot) throws SQLException
      An implementation that produces a Java list eagerly copied from the PostgreSQL array, which is then no longer needed; null elements in the array are included in the list.