All Classes and Interfaces

An AbstractList whose parallelStream method returns a sequential stream (a behavior the spec does allow), and whose spliterator method returns a Spliterator that never splits.
The AbstractResultSet serves as a base class for implementations of the ResultSet interface.
Implementation of ResultSetMetaData for SyntheticResultSet
The AclId correspons to the internal PostgreSQL AclId.
Implementation of all non-OnRole subinterfaces of Grant.
Ancestor of adapters that can map a PostgreSQL array to some representation <T>.
Provides access to some useful routines in the PostgreSQL server.
Implementation of Blob for the SPI connection.
PostgreSQL builtin functions
PostgreSQL bytea.
Adapter producing a Java byte array.
Adapter producing an InputStream.
Wrap a readable ByteBuffer as an InputStream.
Wrap a readable ByteBuffer as a SyntheticXMLReader.
Implementation of the CatalogObject API for the PL/Java case of JVM running in the PostgreSQL backend process.
Instances of ArrayAdapter for types used in the catalogs.
Provider of the CatalogObject.Factory service, linking the org.postgresql.pljava.model API to the implementations in this package.
Functional interfaces handling checked exceptions.
Version of AutoCloseable with an exception-type parameter.
Like BiConsumer but with a body that can throw checked exceptions.
Represents an operation that accepts a single boolean-valued argument and can throw checked exceptions.
Like BooleanSupplier but with a body that can throw checked exceptions.
Represents an operation that accepts a single byte-valued argument and can throw checked exceptions.
A supplier of byte-valued results, with a body that can throw checked exceptions.
Represents an operation that accepts a single char-valued argument and can throw checked exceptions.
A supplier of char-valued results, with a body that can throw checked exceptions.
A class that can supply a T while also implementing AutoCloseable<E>; suitable for use in a try-with-resources to wrap some value that does not itself implement AutoCloseable.
Like Consumer but with a body that can throw checked exceptions.
Like DoubleConsumer but with a body that can throw checked exceptions.
Like DoubleSupplier but with a body that can throw checked exceptions.
Represents an operation that accepts a single float-valued argument and can throw checked exceptions.
A supplier of float-valued results, with a body that can throw checked exceptions.
Like Function but with a body that can throw checked exceptions.
Like IntConsumer but with a body that can throw checked exceptions.
Like IntSupplier but with a body that can throw checked exceptions.
Like LongConsumer but with a body that can throw checked exceptions.
Like LongSupplier but with a body that can throw checked exceptions.
Head of a family of Optional-like types covering the Java primitives that the java.util.Optional... classes do not cover, and whose methods that expect functional interfaces will accept the checked-exception versions declared here.
A container object which may or may not contain a boolean value.
A container object which may or may not contain a byte value.
A container object which may or may not contain a char value.
A container object which may or may not contain a float value.
A container object which may or may not contain a short value.
Like Predicate but with a body that can throw checked exceptions.
Like Runnable but with a body that can throw checked exceptions.
Represents an operation that accepts a single short-valued argument and can throw checked exceptions.
A supplier of short-valued results, with a body that can throw checked exceptions.
Like Supplier but with a body that can throw checked exceptions.
Represents a function that produces a byte-valued result and can throw checked exceptions.
Represents a function that produces a char-valued result and can throw checked exceptions.
Like ToDoubleFunction but with a body that can throw checked exceptions.
Represents a function that produces a float-valued result and can throw checked exceptions.
Like ToIntFunction but with a body that can throw checked exceptions.
Like ToLongFunction but with a body that can throw checked exceptions.
Represents a function that produces a short-valued result and can throw checked exceptions.
Implementation of Clob for the SPI connection.
This methods of this class are implementations of SQLJ procedures (and some related ones beyond what ISO 9075-13 specifies).
PostgreSQL date, time, timestamp, and interval types, available in various representations by implementing the corresponding functional interfaces to construct them.
Adapter for the DATE type to the functional interface Datetime.Date.
Adapter for the INTERVAL type to the functional interface Timespan.Interval.
Instances of the date/time/timestamp adapters using the JSR310 java.time types.
Adapter for the TIME type to the functional interface Datetime.Time.
Adapter for the TIMESTAMP type to the functional interface Datetime.Timestamp.
Adapter for the TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE type to the functional interface Datetime.TimestampTZ.
Adapter for the TIME WITH TIME ZONE type to the functional interface Datetime.TimeTZ.
Contains implementation for Datum.
Implementation of Datum.Input.
InputStream view of a Datum.Input.
Implementations of Datum.Accessor and a collection of related static methods.
Abstract class for executing one deployment descriptor <command> on a connection.
Base class for object state with corresponding Java and native components.
A DualState subclass whose only native resource releasing action needed is heap_freetuple of the address of a direct byte buffer.
An otherwise nonfunctional DualState subclass whose instances only serve as list headers in per-lifespan lists of instances.
A subinterface of AutoCloseable whose close method throws no checked exceptions.
A DualState subclass whose only native resource releasing action needed is a JNI DeleteGlobalRef of a single pointer.
A DualState subclass whose only native resource releasing action needed is FreeErrorData of a single pointer.
A DualState subclass whose only native resource releasing action needed is FreeTupleDesc of a single pointer.
A DualState subclass serving only to guard access to a single nonnull ByteBuffer value.
A DualState subclass serving only to guard access to a single nonzero long value (typically a native pointer).
A DualState subclass whose only native resource releasing action needed is heap_freetuple of a single pointer.
A DualState subclass whose only native resource releasing action needed is MemoryContextDelete of a single context.
A DualState subclass whose only native resource releasing action needed is pfree of a single pointer.
A DualState subclass whose only native resource releasing action needed is SPI_cursor_close of a single pointer.
A DualState subclass whose only native resource releasing action needed is SPI_freeplan of a single pointer.
A DualState subclass whose only native resource releasing action needed is SPI_freetuptable of a single pointer.
Bean exposing some DualState allocation and lifecycle statistics for viewing in a JMX management client.
A default formatter for the ELogHandler.
Provides access to the loggin mechanism of the PostgreSQL server.
PostgreSQL character set encoding (int4 in the catalogs) represented as CharsetEncoding.
The ErrorData correspons to the ErrorData obtained using an internal PostgreSQL CopyErrorData call.
The ExecutionPlan corresponds to the execution plan obtained using an internal PostgreSQL SPI_prepare call.
Methods to look up a PL/Java function and prepare it for invocation.
PostgreSQL aclitem represented as Grant.
Provider for an sqlj:jarname URL stream handler.
Group of methods intended to streamline the PL/Java installation/startup experience.
One invocation, from PostgreSQL, of functionality implemented using PL/Java.
Implements PL/Java's generalized notion of lifespans.
Class loader to load from jars installed in the database with SQLJ.INSTALL_JAR.
Version of SequenceInputStream that supports mark and reset, to the extent its constituent input streams do.
A ListIterator that will fetch an element from a BlockingQueue whenever hasNext would (otherwise) return false, adding it to the end of the list where the next next() will retrieve it.
Like a MarkableSequenceInputStream but for characters.
A lazily-created mirror of a PostgreSQL MemoryContext.
Supply static values that can vary between PostgreSQL versions/builds.
Adapter for the MONEY type to the functional interface Money.
PostgreSQL name type represented as Lexicals.Identifier.Simple or Lexicals.Identifier.Operator.
Adapter for the name type, returning a Java String.
Adapter for the name type, returning an Identifier.Operator.
Adapter for the name type, returning an Identifier.Simple.
Adapter for the NUMERIC type to the functional interface Numeric.
Implements most getters in terms of ObjectResultSet.getValue(int, java.lang.Class<T>), ObjectResultSet.getNumber(int, java.lang.Class), or a few other ResultSet getters that are so implemented, tracks wasNull, and provides ObjectResultSet.getObjectValue(int) as the chief method for subclasses to implement; turns most updaters into ResultSet.updateObject(int,Object).
The Oid correspons to the internal PostgreSQL Oid.
PostgreSQL oid type represented as CatalogObject or one of its Addressed subtypes.
Adapter for the oid type, able to return most of the CatalogObject.Addressed subinterfaces.
Adapter for the oid type, returned as a primitive int.
A distinct adapter class is needed here because the parameterized RegProcedure<?> type can't be indicated with a class literal argument to Addressed.
An adapter presenting PostgreSQL's pg_node_tree type (a serialized representation of a tree data structure) through the XML API (in, currently, an ad-hoc, schemaless rendering, but one with which some practical use might be made of the information, after a little study).
Implementation of Savepoint for the SPI connection.
The Portal correspons to the internal PostgreSQL Portal type.
PostgreSQL primitive numeric and boolean, as the corresponding Java primitive types.
Adapter for the boolean type.
Adapter for the float4 type.
Adapter for the float8 type.
Adapter for the "char" type.
Adapter for the int2 type.
Adapter for the int4 type.
Adapter for the int8 type.
Clean interface to the doPrivileged... methods on AccessController.
Implements all methods that change the ResultSet in any way as methods that yield an UnsupportedFeatureException.
The Relation correspons to the internal PostgreSQL Relation.
A PostgreSQL ResourceOwner, one of the things that can serve as a PL/Java Lifespan.
Provides methods that are common both for a SyntheticResultSet (which is not associated with a statement) and SPIResultSet.
Representation of a field to be presented in a SyntheticResultSet.
An adapter class used internally when a set-returning user function returns a ResultSetHandle, presenting it as a ResultSetProvider instead.
A Java exception constructed over a PostgreSQL error report.
Implementation of a service defined by Adapter for data types.
An instance of this interface reflects the current session.
A single row, read-only ResultSet, specially made for functions and procedures that takes complex types as arguments (PostgreSQL 7.5 and later).
A single row ResultSet
A single row, updateable ResultSet, specially made for functions and procedures that returns complex types or sets.
The SPI class provides access to some global variables used by SPI.
Provides access to the current connection (session) the Java stored procedure is running in.
Implementation of DatabaseMetaData for the SPI connection.
Implementation of Driver for the SPI connection.
A Java exception constructed from a PostgreSQL SPI result code.
Implementation of ParameterMetaData for the SPI connection.
Implementation of PreparedStatement for the SPI connection.
An extended interface on Statement (accessible with unwrap()) allowing control of the read_only flag that PostgreSQL SPI will see when the statement is next executed.
A Read-only ResultSet that provides direct access to a Portal.
Implementation of ResultSetMetaData for SPIResultSet
Implementation of Statement for the SPI connection.
This class deals with parsing and executing the deployment descriptor as defined in ISO/IEC 9075-13:2003.
The SQLInputToChunk uses JNI to read from memory that has been allocated by the PostgreSQL backend.
Implements the SQLInput interface for a user-defined type (UDT) implemented in Java, for the case where a composite type in PostgreSQL is used as the UDT's representation, so it can be accessed as a PG tuple.
The SQLOutputToChunk uses JNI to build a PostgreSQL StringInfo buffer in memory.
Implementation of SQLOutput for the case of a composite data type.
Helpful utility commands when dealing with JDBC
Implementation of SQLXML for the SPI connection.
An SQLException specific to the case of attempted use of a Statement that has been closed.
Tool for implementing objects or families of objects with methods that lazily compute various values and then return the same values until invalidated, after which new values will be lazily computed when next requested.
Builder for use during the static initialization of a class that uses SwitchPointCache.
A Synthetic ResultSet that provides direct access to data stored in a ArrayList; chiefly used to return tabular information from ...MetaData objects.
Implementation of ResultSetMetaData for SyntheticResultSet
Base class implementing the tedious parts of a SAX XMLReader whose XML content is synthesized on the fly.
An immutable and empty collection of attributes.
Subclass of Attributes2Impl that also provides chainable methods so attribute information can be supplied in a fluent style.
PostgreSQL text, varchar, and similar types represented as Java String.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
This class (a) isn't exposed in pljava-api, (b) is only used to implement the once-transactional attribute map in Session, and (c) hasn't had transactional behavior even there, since 3ab90e5 (November 2005).
An implementation of Policy intended for temporary use while identifying needed permission grants for existing code.
A permission like, but without any FilePermission (the real policy's sandboxed/unsandboxed grants should handle those), nor a couple dozen varieties of RuntimePermission, SecurityPermission, and ReflectPermission that would typically not be granted without clear intent.
The TriggerData correspons to the internal PostgreSQL TriggerData.
A single row, updateable ResultSet specially made for triggers.
The Tuple correspons to the internal PostgreSQL HeapTuple.
The TupleDesc correspons to the internal PostgreSQL TupleDesc.
Superinterface of one or more classes that can present a sequence of tuples, working from the forms in which PostgreSQL can present them.
A TupleList constructed atop a PostgreSQL SPITupleTable.
The SPITupleTable correspons to the internal PostgreSQL SPITupleTable type.
Implementation of TupleTableSlot.
Encapsulate some information about Java object classes and their possible mappings to PostgreSQL types.
Provides constants for well-known backend OIDs for the types we commonly use.
An unchecked exception to efficiently wrap checked Throwables.
An SQLException specific to the case of attempted use of an unsupported feature.
PostgreSQL uuid type represented as java.util.UUID.
Interface that wraps a PostgreSQL native variable-length ("varlena") datum; implementing classes present an existing one to Java as a readable InputStream, or allow a new one to be constructed by presenting a writable OutputStream.
A class by which Java reads the content of a varlena.
A class by which Java writes the content of a varlena as an OutputStream.
A Verifier verifies the proper form of content written to a VarlenaWrapper.Output.
Verifier to be extended to verify byte streams for specific types.
A Verifier that accepts any content, cheaply.
Class adapting a ByteBufferXMLReader to a Datum.Input.
PostgreSQL cid, tid, xid, and xid8 types.
Adapter for the cid or xid type, returned as a primitive int.
Adapter for the tid type using the functional interface Internal.Tid.
Adapter for the xid8 type, returned as a primitive long.
PostgreSQL xml type represented as java.sql.SQLXML.
Adapter for use when the PostgreSQL type is not actually XML, but to be synthetically rendered as XML (such as pg_node_tree).