Mapping between PostgreSQL and Java date/time types

Legacy JDBC mappings

The first mappings to be specified in JDBC used the JDBC-specific classes java.sql.Date, java.sql.Time, and java.sql.Timestamp, all of which are based on java.util.Date (but only as an implementation detail; they should always be treated as their own types and not as instances of java.util.Date).

PL/Java function parameters and returns can be declared in Java to have those types, objects of those types can be passed to PreparedStatement.setObject, ResultSet.updateObject, and SQLOutput.writeObject methods, as well as to the methods that are specific to those types. The JDBC getObject and readObject methods that do not take a Class<?> parameter will return objects of those types when retrieving PostgreSQL date or time values.


Those classes have never been a good representation for PostgreSQL date/time values, because they are based on java.util.Date, which implies knowledge of a time zone, even when they are used to represent PostgreSQL values with no time zone at all. For all of these conversions but one, PL/Java must do time zone computations, with the one exception being, unintuitively, timestamp with time zone. The conversions of non-zoned values involve a hidden dependency on the PostgreSQL session's current setting of TimeZone, which can vary from session to session at the connecting client's preference.

There are known issues of long standing in PL/Java's conversions to and from these types, detailed in issue #200. While these particular issues are expected to be fixed in a future PL/Java release, the Java 8 / JDBC 4.2 mappings described next are the strongly-recommended alternative to the legacy mappings, avoiding these issues entirely.

Java 8 / JDBC 4.2 date/time mappings

Java 8 introduced the much improved set of date/time classes in the java.time package specified by JSR 310. JDBC 4.2 (the version in Java 8) allows those as alternate Java class mappings of the SQL types date, time (with and without timezone), and timestamp (with/without timezone). These new types are a much better fit to the corresponding PostgreSQL types than the original JDBC java.sql Date/Time/Timestamp classes.

To avoid a breaking change, JDBC 4.2 does not modify what any of the pre-existing JDBC API does by default. The getDate, getTime, and getTimestamp methods on a ResultSet still return the same java.sql types, and so does getObject in the form that does not specify a class. Instead, the update takes advantage of the general purpose ResultSet.getObject methods that take a Class<?> parameter (added in JDBC 4.1), and likewise the SQLInput.readObject method with a Class<?> parameter (overlooked in 4.1 but added in 4.2), so a caller can request a java.time class by passing the right Class:

Correspondence of PostgreSQL date/time types and Java 8 java.time classes
PostgreSQL type Pass to getObject/readObject
date java.time.LocalDate.class
time without time zone java.time.LocalTime.class
time with time zone java.time.OffsetTime.class
timestamp without time zone java.time.LocalDateTime.class
timestamp with time zone java.time.OffsetDateTime.class

The java.time types can also be used as parameter and return types of PL/Java functions without special effort (the generated function declarations will make the right conversions happen), and passed to the setter methods of prepared statements, writable result sets (for triggers or composite-returning functions), and SQLOutput for UDTs.

Conversions to and from these types never involve the PostgreSQL session time zone, which can vary from session to session. Any code developed for PL/Java and Java 8 or newer is strongly encouraged to use these types for date/time manipulations, for their much better fit to the PostgreSQL types.

PostgreSQL accepts 24:00:00.000000 as a valid time, while a day for LocalTime or OffsetTime maxes out at the preceding nanosecond. That is still a distinguishable value (as the PostgreSQL resolution is only to microseconds), so the PostgreSQL 24 value is bidirectionally mapped to that.

Mapping of time and timestamp with time zone

When a time with time zone is mapped to a java.time.OffsetTime, the Java value will have a zone offset equal to the one assigned to the value in PostgreSQL, and so in the reverse direction.

When a timestamp with time zone is mapped to a java.time.OffsetDateTime, the Java value will always have a zone offset of zero (UTC). When an OffsetDateTime created in Java is mapped to a PostgreSQL timestamp with time zone, if its offset is not zero, the value adjusted to UTC is used.

These different behaviors accurately reflect how PostgreSQL treats the two types differently.

Infinite dates and timestamps

PostgreSQL allows date and timestamp (with or without time zone) values of infinity and -infinity.

There is no such notion in the corresponding Java classes (the original JDBC ones or the JDBC 4.2 / JSR 310 ones), but PL/Java will map those PostgreSQL values repeatably to certain values of the Java classes, and will map Java objects with those exact values back to PostgreSQL infinity or -infinity on the return trip. Java code that needs to recognize those values could do an initial query returning infinity and -infinity and save the resulting Java values to compare others against. It must compare with equals(); it cannot assume that the mapping will produce the very same Java objects repeatedly, but only objects with equal values.

When dates and timestamps are mapped to the java.time classes, the mapping will have the useful property that -infinity really is earlier than other PostgreSQL-representable values, and infinity really is later. That does not hold under the old java.sql.Timestamp mapping, where both values will be distant from the present but not further specified.

Infinite timestamps without integer_datetimes

In PostgreSQL builds with integer_datetimes as off (a configuration that is non-default since PostgreSQL 8.4, and impossible since PG 10), an error results if a timestamp being converted to Java has either infinite value. As uses of infinite timestamps are probably rare and the configuration is long out of use, there is no plan to lift this limitation unless an issue is opened to address a practical need.